Michelle Alexander Computer Graphics (CS4300) Assignment 3 2D Project To Compile type the following in the terminal: ./buildscript To Execute type the following in the terminal: ./Collage Incomplete / Bugs: - Only .png files are supported for uploading, other image types will crash the program OR be displayed incorrectly. ( there are some png files included in the "t" folder ) - Large images are not supported and will crash the program. Images up to 667 x 500 pixels have been tested and work correctly. - I have locked the window size, dragging the corner of the window will break the coordinate system. - There is currently only one font and so the user is not given a way to change the font. The font is created from on .png file of characters that I had to visually decipher the coordinates of each letter. I didn't have time to go back and calculate these for another font image. - There is currently no functionality to save a collage. All progress on the current collage will stay while flipping through the menus but will no longer exist if the program exits.