
A tiny winy PDF merging tool for all and sundry.

Primary LanguagePython


A tiny winy PDF merging tool for all and sundry.


My girlfriend needed a simple PDF merging tool. Unlike macOS Windows does not offer this possibility. So I created PYDFMerger. The idea is to create an executable (or use the one in the Download folder) from this little Python script with e. g. PyInstaller that can run in the folder with the PDF files.

Like so.

Demo of PYDFMerger

How To

  1. Run the executable or pydfmerger.py in the folder the PDFs are located that you want to merge.
  2. Naming conventions: The PDFs need a file name pattern like this:
  3. Starting with 01_: Files need to start with a number and a underscore. 1. The number is needed to sort the files. So 01_ will be merged before 02_. 1. The underscore tells PYDFMerger that the number ends here. More undersocres in the file name are no problem. 1. The number has to be the first information in the file name. So appendix01_asdf.pdf won't work.
  4. Page information with [1-2;3-4]: If you want to tell the merger which pages you want to merge, you can do this with square brackets. 1. Please use these brackets only for page information in the file name. 1. 02_bachelorthesis[1-3].pdf will only merge the pages 1 and 3. 1. If you leave the brackets out (02_bachelorthesis.pdf) the whole document will be merged.
  5. Output: After the tool finished the job you will find a file named XX_merge.pdf in the folder. If you ran the script again the file will be overwritten. So do not name anything important XX_merge.pdf and place it in folder of the script. Thank you.


If the script runs in a folder with the three files 01_document1[1-2;3-4].pdf, 02_document2.pdf and 03_document3[2-3].pdf the output file XX_merge.pdf will contain the following:

  1. Pages 1 to 2 from 01_document1[1-2;3-4].pdf
  2. Pages 3 to 4 from 01_document1[1-2;3-4].pdf
  3. All pages from 02_document2.pdf
  4. Pages 2 to 3 from 03_document3[2-3].pdf

Known Problems

  • If the page numbering of the PDF starts with roman numbers I-IV the script won't work properly.
  • If there are PDF files that do not match the file name pattern the script will crash.


  • There is a Windows .exe in the Download folder which runs the script without the need of Python 3.5. It was build on a 64 bit Windows machine.
  • There is also a Ubuntu/Linux executable build on a 64 bit Ubuntu machine.