
MyMonero Android and iOS app codebase

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

MyMonero for Mobile


MyMonero for Mobile

We've taken every precaution to make migration of data from the old iOS app as simple as possible. Nevertheless, we highly recommend ensuring that you back your mnemonic seed phrases up before installing the new iOS application.


If you pick up any issues, please report all bugs on Github: https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-mobile/issues

This repository contains the source code for the MyMonero mobile applications. The packages on the Apple Store and on Google Play are built from this repository.


Download the latest iOS version from the Apple App Store or from the Releases tab.

Download the latest Android version from the Play Store or from the Releases tab.

Developers and pre-release testers who would like to use and work on the app can run it by obtaining the source and running one of the build commands below.

To get set up with the source code, please see Getting the Source Code below.

Where is user data saved?

  • Android: The data is encrypted and saved to the Android device using an implementation that leverages AndroidKeyStore and SharedPreferences.
  • Web: The data is saved to the browser's local storage.
  • iOS: MyMonero uses SwiftKeychainWrapper for persistence.

The plugin MyMonero uses for storage can be found here

Data storage warnings:

  • Android API < 18 does not support AndroidKeyStore. Android API < 18 values are stored fallback to being stored as simple base64 encoded strings.
  • Since web browsers don't have an equivalent of Android's secure storage, data is base64-encoded before being stored in the browser's Local Storage.

Reporting Bugs & Making Feature Requests

If you would like to report an issue or share a feature request, please create a Github Issue on this project.

If you're reporting a bug, be sure to include all information which we would need to reproduce the issue, such as the operating system and app version on which you saw the bug, and the steps you took, if you can tell.

Please don't use the Issues tracker for general support or inquiries. You can also contact us directly.


Before installing, download and install Node.js. For Android, you will also need Android Studio. For iOS, you will need Xcode (available on the Apple App Store).

Clone the repo and install the dependencies.

git clone https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-mobile.git
cd mymonero-mobile
npm install

To build the app

npm run build

Android: To build the app, run the command below. Android Studio will be opened automatically.

npm run build-android

iOS: To build the app, run the command below. XCode will be opened automatically.

npm run build-ios

If using a Mac computer with Apple silicon and this step results in build errors, may have to remove the created Pods folder and use the command bash arch -x86_64 pod install instead of the default bash pod install.

To run the app in a web browser, run the following

npm start

This will build and package the web version of the application in the dist folder. Once that is done, it will initialise all necessary build files for your Android application. Finally, it will attempt to open the project in Android Studio.

Suggested development workflow

As the application is essentially a web application which gets transpiled into Java by Capacitor, rather than transpile and build each time, we do most of our development work by running a server that serves the dist folder, and accessing it in Chrome. Barring unusual cases, changes made and tested on Chrome will function properly once transpiled.

When developing in this fashion, one can run a server with hot-reload enabled by using the npm run watch command

Debugging the application


Should you run into any issues with the transpiled application, you are able to debug the application by making use of Android WebView debugging and the Chrome browser. In order to do so, follow the instructions below:

  1. Add the following code snippet to the app/java/com.mymonero.android/MainActivity.java file inside the onCreate() function
  1. Open Chrome
  2. Navigate to chrome://inspect/#devices
  3. Under "Remote Target", you should see a WebView titled "WebView in com.mymonero.android"
  4. Click "inspect" to open the WebView in DevTools


Coming soon

Building for Production

  1. Follow the steps under Download and Build.
  2. Use Android Studio or/and Xcode to build the project executables



Please submit any bugs as Issues unless they have already been reported.

Suggestions and feedback are very welcome!


If you have an improvement to the codebase and would like to have your code shipped in the production MyMonero app, please submit a pull request, even if it's still a WIP. We try to credit all contributors in app release notes.

  • Merging PRs which involve integrating with any third-party services will require discussion and agreement.

  • We reserve the right to refuse to merge any PRs, such as those which introduce breaking changes.


MyMonero Donation Address (XMR): 48yi8KBxh7fdZzwnX2kFCGALRcN1sNjwBHDfd5i9WLAWKs7G9rVbXNnbJTqZhhZCiudVtaMJKrXxmBeBR9kggBXr8X7PxPT

Proceeds from donations are used to fund development, R&D and hosting costs incurred by MyMonero.

License and Copyrights

See LICENSE.txt for license.

All app source code and assets copyright © 2014-2022 by MyMonero. All rights reserved.


Contributors to each release are credited in release notes.

Core Contributors

  • 💱 jkarlos (Karl Buys) Lead maintainer; core developer

  • 🍕 Tekkzbadger (Devin Pearson) Maintainer; core developer

  • 🦄 fluffyponyza (Riccardo Spagni) Advisor; MyMonero founder; Monero core team member

  • 🏂 endogenic (Paul Shapiro) Former core maintainer; MyMonero core contributor

  • 😎 vtnerd (Lee Clagett) Lead back-end developer

  • 🍄 luigi Monero tech advisor; Main MyMonero JS core crypto contributor

  • 🔥 mds (Matt Smith) MVP designer

  • 🌠 Your name here?

License and Copyrights

See LICENSE.txt for license.

All app source code and assets copyright © 2014-2022 by MyMonero. All rights reserved.