Hello (नमस्ते)

My Name Is Ankit and I am from Pune, Maharashtra, India currently living in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. I am a fourth-year undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati (IIITG). I love solving problems and developing things. Do checkout my Github Repositories to know more about what I do.

What I am upto these days?

Learning about Operating Systems, Kernels and DBMS (Mostly Internals).

My Skills

ReactJs NextJs Webpack NodeJs JavaScript HTML CSS C C++ MySQL MaterialUI React Bootstrap Git AWS NumPy Pandas MongoDB Python Java Bash Styled Components NPM MeteorJS Github Actions Visual Studio Code

Where to find me

facebook Link instagram Link linkedin Link twitter Link gmail Link leetcode Link

A Glance of Bengaluru

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Last refresh: Friday, 1 March, 06:40 AM IST

Stars Forks

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This README is generated every 6 hours by my Node.js program built using Puppeteer.js and Handlebars.js and run every 6 hours by Github Actions.