
Yet Another Flow Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

YAFF (Yet Another Flow Framework)

Author: Daniil Sobol

Overview: This library is intended to replace unsupported and abandoned node-seq (https://github.com/substack/node-seq/). It tries to be as compatible as possible. But it doesn't copy some weird behaviour of original library. So, in some complex cases it can't be drop-in replacement and requires you to rewrite implementation-dependent code. This library is much more simple and optimised compared to original one. Piece of pure awesomeness, I'd say.

YAFF is an asynchronous flow control library with a chainable interface for sequential and parallel actions. Even the error handling is chainable. Each action in the chain operates on a stack of values. Unlike Seq YAFF doesn't have variables hash and operates on plain old arguments stack only, if you need to modify something please use map/filter methods. Example:

var fs = require('fs');
YAFF(['./', '../'])
  .par(function (path) {
    fs.readdir(path, this);
  .par(function (path) {
    fs.readdir(path, this);
  .parMap(function (file) {
    fs.stat(__dirname + '/' + file, this);
  .map(function (stat) {
    return stat.size;
  .finally(function (e, sizes) {
    if (e)
      throw e;

Each method executes callbacks with a context (its this) described in the next section. Every method returns this. Whenever this() is called with a non-falsy first argument, the error value propagates down to the finally block, skipping over all actions in between. There is an implicit finally at the end of all chains that just throws error away. .YAFF(initialStack=[])

The constructor function creates a new YAFF chain with the methods described below. The optional array argument becomes the new context stack.


This eponymous function executes actions sequentially. Once all running parallel actions are finished executing, the supplied callback is apply()d with the context stack. To execute the next action in the chain, call this(). The first argument must be the error value. The rest of the values will become the stack for the next action in the chain and are also available at this.args.

.mseq([cb1, cb2, ...])

Acts just like multiple seq invocations, i.e. takes an array of callbacks and builds chain of seq steps like this: .seq(cb1).seq(cb2).seq(...)


Use par to execute actions in parallel. Chain multiple parallel actions together and collect all the responses on the stack with a sequential operation like seq. Each par sets one element in the stack with the second argument to this() in the order in which it appears, so multiple pars can be chained together. Like with seq, the first argument to this() should be the error value and the second will get pushed to the stack.

.mpar([cb1, cb2, ...])

Acts just like multiple 'par' invocations, i.e. takes an array of callbacksnd builds chain of 'par' steps like this: '.par(cb1).par(cb2).par(...)'


Sequentually executes callback for each argument in the stack. Does not wait for callbacks to finish and moves to the next step in the chain.


Sequentually executes callback for each argument in the stack. Does wait for callbacks to complete before moving to the next step. Does not modify arguments stack.


Sequentually maps callback to arguments stack. Waits for callbacks to comlete and passes their return values to the next step as new arguments stack.


Sequentually calls callback on arguments stack to filter it. To accept current value you should call this() inside callback with falsy first argument and truly second.

.parEach/.parMap/.parFilter (cb, [limit])

This set of function ts just like previously explained seq family, but runs callbacks in parallel. Also, each of this methods takes optional second argument - limit. It limits number of simultaneously running parallel tasks.

.map/filter(cb, thisArg) .reduce(cb, initialValue)

Your beloved plain old synchronous functions to work on arguments stack as on array.


Same as before: synchronous functions to modify stack as array.


Extends stack with new values from passed array.

.splice(index, howMany, toAppend)

Another function to modify stack as array. Works just regular Array.prototype.splice.


Reverses order of arguments on the stack


Flattens stack. i.e. turns [[[], []], [], []] into [, , , , , ...]. Very useful in case where previous function returns array as its first argument, but you want to call some of the asynchronous iterators on the stack. If fully is truly - complitely flattens all nested arrays, otherwise - flattens just first level.


Unflattens arguments stack into single array as first argument on the stack i.e. turns [ , , , , , ...] into [ [ , , , , , , ...] ]


Empties stack.


Sets passed array as new stack.


Allows you to save and load stack of arguments in case you need to preserve it from cluttering by another step in the chain. name is optional. Default name is _. Saved stacks also avaliable inside callbacks by accessing this.hash['name'].


Finalizes the chain. Handles errors as well as results and fires provided callback in nodejs manner, so first argument becomes error (may be undefined if everything is ok) and the rest arguments are results (may be undefined too if there is an error). finally is a syncronous sequential action. You can only have one finally block per chain and it should be in the very end of it.

It's handly if you use it inside asyncronous functions like that:

var myAsyncFunction = funtion(callback) {