#Tony's Youtube Downloader
##This is just a pretty(ish) web interface for youtube-dl
##Dependencies: -youtube-dl (duh) -apache2 -php5 -soundconverter
##Quick install guide
Get the source code:
git clone https://github.com/mynameistony/youtube-download.git
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 soundconverter
-Install youtube-dl from their website for best results
Modify /webpage/action.php to use your user
Modify your sudoers file to allow the download script to run as your regular user:
sudo visudo
orsudo nano /etc/sudoers
Add the following line, replacing user with your username:
www-data ALL=(user) NOPASSWD: /path/to/youtube-download/scripts/download.sh
Make Apache serve the /webpage folder from my package
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Change the "DocumentRoot" directive to point to the package
Restart the web server
sudo service apache2 restart
Point your browser to 'localhost' or the servers IP address and enjoy :)
-Steps 3 & 4 are so the songs/videos are downloaded as your user and you don't need to deal with weird permissions later on.