
Web Interface For youtube-dl

Primary LanguageShell

#Tony's Youtube Downloader

##This is just a pretty(ish) web interface for youtube-dl

##Dependencies: -youtube-dl (duh) -apache2 -php5 -soundconverter

##Quick install guide

  1. Get the source code: git clone https://github.com/mynameistony/youtube-download.git

  2. Install dependencies: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 soundconverter

    -Install youtube-dl from their website for best results

  3. Modify /webpage/action.php to use your user

  4. Modify your sudoers file to allow the download script to run as your regular user:

    sudo visudo or sudo nano /etc/sudoers

    Add the following line, replacing user with your username:

    www-data ALL=(user) NOPASSWD: /path/to/youtube-download/scripts/download.sh

  5. Make Apache serve the /webpage folder from my package sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

    Change the "DocumentRoot" directive to point to the package

  6. Restart the web server sudo service apache2 restart

  7. Point your browser to 'localhost' or the servers IP address and enjoy :)


-Steps 3 & 4 are so the songs/videos are downloaded as your user and you don't need to deal with weird permissions later on.