
Generate and download e-books from online sources.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Lightnovel Crawler

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PyPI version Python version Downloads License Build and Publish

An app to download novels from online sources and generate e-books.

Discord: https://discord.gg/wMECG2Q

Telegram: https://t.me/epub_smelter_bot

Table of contents


This application uses Calibre to convert ebooks.
Install it from https://calibre-ebook.com/download
Without it, you will only get output in epub, text, and web formats.

Standalone Bundle (Windows, Linux)

Windows: lncrawl.exe ~ 25MB

In Windows 8, 10 or later versions, it might say that lncrawl.exe is not safe to dowload or execute. You should bypass/ignore this security check to execute this program.

Linux: lncrawl ~ 30MB

It is recommended to install via pip if you are on Linux

To get older versions visit the Releases page

PIP (Windows, Mac, and Linux)

📦 A python package named lightnovel-crawler is available at pypi.

Make sure you have installed Python v3.7 or higher and have pip enabled. Visit these links to install python with pip in Windows, Linux and MacOS. Feel free to ask on the Discord server if you are stuck.

To install this app or to update installed one via pip, just run:

$ pip install -U lightnovel-crawler

In some cases you have to use python3 -m pip or pip3 or python -m pip. And you do not need --user option, if you are running from root.

Next, open your terminal and enter:

$ lncrawl

To view extra logs, use: lncrawl -lll

If you want to get the cutting-edge (sometimes unstable) from the dev branch, you can get it by:

PIP (Directly from GitHub)

The master branch contains the latest stable code. If you can not wait for it to be released in the PyPi, you can get it like this:

$ pip install -U git+https://github.com/dipu-bd/lightnovel-crawler.git#egg=lightnovel-crawler

The dev branch contains cutting-edge, sometimes unstable changes. To install it:

$ pip install -U https://github.com/dipu-bd/lightnovel-crawler/tarball/refs/heads/dev#egg=lightnovel-crawler


Docker is a convenient way to run it anywhere.

  • First clone the project.
$ git clone https://github.com/dipu-bd/lightnovel-crawler
  • Build docker:
$ cd lightnovel-crawler
$ docker build -t lncrawl -f ./scripts/Dockerfile .
  • Run commands using docker:
$ mkdir ~/Lightnovels
$ docker run -v ~/Lightnovels:/home/appuser/app/Lightnovels -it lncrawl

You can setup alias to the above command in your terminal's profile to run using single a single-word command.

Termux (Android)

Please read before proceeding:

  • It is not guaranteed that the app will run smoothly in all devices.
  • It may take a long time to install depending on your mobile processor.
  • It is recommended to use the bots on either Discord or Telegram if you are on mobile.

📱 Using Termux, you can run this app in your android phones too. Follow this instructions:

  • Install Termux from playstore.
  • Open the app and run these commands one by one:
    • pkg upgrade
    • pkg install python libxml2 libxslt libjpeg-turbo webp rust
    • pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
    • pip install lightnovel-crawler
    • termux-setup-storage
    • cd ~/storage/downloads
    • lncrawl
  • You can navigate up using Vol UP + W and down using Vol UP + S.

When there is a new update available, you can install it just by running pip install -U lightnovel-crawler. You will not have to run all the above commands again.


You can also use PyDroid in Android phones. Check this discussion for a custom script to run the app: dipu-bd#1137



Join our server: https://discord.gg/7A5Hktx

Or, visit this link to install discord bot to your own server: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=537526751170002946&permissions=51264&scope=bot


Visit this link to get started with the telegram bot: https://t.me/epub_smelter_bot

Send !help to open the bot help message.

Heroku Deployment

Simply fill out the environment variables and you get a running instance.


Running from source

  • First clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/dipu-bd/lightnovel-crawler
  • Open command prompt inside of the project folder and install requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the program (use python v3.7 or higher):
$ python lncrawl

Running the Bots

There are two chatbots available at this moment: Telegram and Discord. To run your own bot server, follow these instructions:

  • Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/dipu-bd/lightnovel-crawler
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Copy .env.example file to .env file. Edit this file and give your API credentials here.

  • To run the discord bot:

$ python3 lncrawl --bot discord --shard-id 0 --shard-count 1
  • To run the telegram bot
$ python3 lncrawl --bot telegram

There is a start.sh script to run a bot in ubuntu servers. It will basically execute the python3 lncrawl and send the task to run in background. I use it to run my discord bot in the server.

General Usage

Available options

$ lncrawl -h
╱╱╱╱╱╭━╯┃ v3.2.6
╱╱╱╱╱╰━━╯ 🔗 https://github.com/dipu-bd/lightnovel-crawler
usage: lncrawl [options...]
       lightnovel-crawler [options...]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -l                    Set log levels. (-l = warn, -ll = info, -lll = debug).
  --log-file [FILE]     To store application logs to a file.
  --list-sources        Display a list of available sources.
  --crawler [FILES ...]
                        Load additional crawler files.
  -s URL, --source URL  Profile page url of the novel.
  -q STR, --query STR   Novel query followed by list of source sites.
  -x [REGEX], --sources [REGEX]
                        Filter out the sources to search for novels.
  --login USER PASSWD   User name/email address and password for login.
  --format E [E ...]    Define which formats to output. Default: all.
  --add-source-url      Add source url at the end of each chapter.
  --single              Put everything in a single book.
  --multi               Build separate books by volumes.
  -o PATH, --output PATH
                        Path where the downloads to be stored.
  --filename NAME       Set the output file name
  --filename-only       Skip appending chapter range with file name
  -f, --force           Force replace any existing folder.
  -i, --ignore          Ignore any existing folder (do not replace).
  --all                 Download all chapters.
  --first [COUNT]       Download first few chapters (default: 10).
  --last [COUNT]        Download last few chapters (default: 10).
  --page START [STOP. ...]
                        The start and final chapter urls.
  --range FROM TO., --index FROM TO., --chapter FROM TO.
                        The start and final chapter indexes.
  --volumes [N ...]     The list of volume numbers to download.
  --chapters [URL ...]  A list of specific chapter urls.
  --proxy-file FILE     Proxies as SCHEME://HOST:PORT@USER:PASSWORD format in
                        each line. All except HOST are optional
  --auto-proxy          Use some free proxies from https://free-proxy-
  --bot {console,telegram,discord,lookup}
                        Select a bot. Default: console.
  --shard-id [SHARD_ID]
                        Discord bot shard id (default: 0)
  --shard-count [SHARD_COUNT]
                        Discord bot shard counts (default: 1)
  --selenium-grid URL   Selenium Grid URL for Chrome Webdriver
  --suppress            Suppress all input prompts and use defaults.
  --close-directly      Do not prompt to close at the end for windows
  --resume [NAME/URL]   Resume download of a novel containing in
  ENV                   [chatbots only] Pass query string at the end of all
                        options. It will be use instead of .env file. Sample:


 🔗  https://github.com/dipu-bd/lightnovel-crawler/issues 

Example Usage

Open your console and type lncrawl --version first to check if you have installed it properly. Here are some example usage of the app:

  • To start an interactive session: lncrawl

  • To download using an url: lncrawl -s https://boxnovel.com/novel/reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god/

  • To search novels: lncrawl -q "Strongest Sword God"

  • To search novels from selected sources: lncrawl -q "Strongest Sword God" --sources

  • To download all chapters: lncrawl --all

  • To download first 25 chapters: lncrawl --first 25

  • To download all between two chapters: lncrawl --range 10 30

  • To download all between two chapter links: lncrawl -s https://novelfull.com/release-that-witch.html --chapters https://novelfull.com/release-that-witch/chapter-6-training-part-i.html https://novelfull.com/release-that-witch/chapter-8-months-of-the-demons-part-1.html

  • To download a specific volumes: lncrawl --volumes 2 3

  • To define output path: lncrawl -o "D:\Lightnovels\reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god"

  • To delete the output folder if exists: lncrawl -f

  • To ignore the output folder if exists: lncrawl -i

  • To resume download where is has been left previously: lncrawl -i

  • To specify output formats: lncrawl --format epub pdf mobi

  • To display list of supported sources: lncrawl --list-sources

  • If you provide an option in the argument, it will skip it in the interactive session. If you want to disable all interactive prompts, pass --suppress at the end.

  • You can stack up options like this: lncrawl -s https://boxnovel.com/novel/reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god/ -o "D:\Lightnovels\reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god" --last 50 -i --format pdf --suppress

Additional Help

Visit the discussions page for more information. You can also post your query there too.

Follow this guide to know how to login: dipu-bd#1360


You are very welcome to contribute in this project. You can:

  • create new issues pointing out the bugs.
  • solve existing issues.
  • add your own sources.
  • add new output formats.
  • create new bots.

Adding new source

  • Use lncrawl --bot lookup first to auto-generate your crawler from an existing template.
  • Check inside the sources/_examples. Read all the comments of all the files. And pick the one you like.
  • You can find plenty examples in the sources folder. Try to check the latest ones
  • Put your source file inside the language folder. The en folder has too many files, therefore it is grouped using the first letter of the domain name.
  • Before making commit format files using blake formatter, and use scripts/lint.sh or scripts/lint.bat to check linting issues.

Adding new Bot

Supported sources

Request new one by creating a new issue.

We are supporting 331 sources and 318 crawlers.

~ Unknown

Source URL Version Contributors
🤖🔍 http://es.mtlnovel.com/ 24 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki Galunid
🤖🔍 http://fr.mtlnovel.com/ 24 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki Galunid
🤖🔍 http://id.mtlnovel.com/ 24 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki Galunid
🤖🔍 http://www.mtlnovel.com/ 24 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki Galunid
🔍 https://18.foxaholic.com/ 80 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee watzeedzad mesmerlord frybin
🤖🔍 https://es.mtlnovel.com/ 24 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki Galunid
🔍 https://foxaholic.com/ 80 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee watzeedzad mesmerlord frybin
🤖🔍 https://fr.mtlnovel.com/ 24 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki Galunid
🔍 https://global.foxaholic.com/ 80 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee watzeedzad mesmerlord frybin
🤖🔍 https://id.mtlnovel.com/ 24 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki Galunid
🔑 https://my.w.tt/ 70 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🤖🔍 https://ncode.syosetu.com/ 3 dipu-bd
🔍 https://www.foxaholic.com/ 80 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee watzeedzad mesmerlord frybin
🤖🔍 https://www.mtlnovel.com/ 24 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki Galunid
🔍 https://www.novelupdates.com/ 1 dipu-bd
https://www.quotev.com/ 4 idMysteries
🔑 https://www.wattpad.com/ 70 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee

ar Arabic

Source URL Version Contributors
🔍 https://arnovel.me/ 23 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://kolnovel.com/ 1
https://rewayat.club/ 8 dipu-bd

en English

Source URL Version Contributors
🔍 http://novelfull.com/ 49 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki Galunid
http://ranobes.net/ 11 dipu-bd
🔍 http://readonlinenovels.com/ 67 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries jere344 amritoo
🤖 http://wnmtl.org/ 21 dipu-bd SirGryphin
http://www.fujitranslation.com/ 62 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🤖 http://www.wnmtl.org/ 21 dipu-bd SirGryphin
http://zenithnovels.com/ 17 dipu-bd
🤖🔍 https://1stkissnovel.love/ 73 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries jere344 kuwoyuki mchubby
https://88tangeatdrinkread.wordpress.com/ 72 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍 https://allnovel.org/ 47 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki Galunid
🔍 https://allnovelfull.com/ 6 dipu-bd SirGryphin idMysteries
https://americanfaux.com/ 2 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://amnesiactl.com/ 14 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://ancientheartloss.com/ 74 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries AncientCatz
https://ancientheartloss.wordpress.com/ 74 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries AncientCatz
🔍🔑 https://api.babelnovel.com/ 30 dipu-bd yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki Galunid
🔍🖼️ https://aquamanga.com/ 74 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍 https://asadatranslations.com/ 68 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki
🤖 https://automtl.wordpress.com/ 68 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries AncientCatz
🔍🔑 https://babelnovel.com/ 30 dipu-bd yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki Galunid
https://bakapervert.wordpress.com/ 73 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍🖼️ https://bato.to/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍🖼️ https://batocc.com/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍🖼️ https://batotoo.com/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍🖼️ https://batotwo.com/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍🖼️ https://battwo.com/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍🖼️ https://beautymanga.com/ 6 dipu-bd jere344
🔍 https://bestlightnovel.com/ 23 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee jere344 kuwoyuki
🔍 https://bonnovel.com/ 81 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries jere344 kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍 https://booknet.com/ 6 dipu-bd
🔍 https://boxnovel.com/ 68 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://bronovel.com/ 68 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🖼️ https://chapmanganato.com/ 61 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
https://chrysanthemumgarden.com/ 8 dipu-bd
🔍🖼️ https://coffeemanga.com/ 13 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍🖼️ https://comiko.net/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🤖🔍 https://comrademao.com/ 14 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://creativenovels.com/ 32 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki
https://crescentmoon.blog/ 58 dipu-bd yudilee
🔍 https://daonovel.com/ 16 dipu-bd SirGryphin jere344
https://demontranslations.com/ 67 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries AncientCatz
https://dmtranslationscn.com/ 62 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🤖 https://dobelyuwai.wordpress.com/ 73 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍 https://dragontea.ink/ 17 dipu-bd SirGryphin mesmerlord
🔍🖼️ https://dto.to/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://dummynovels.com/ 4 dipu-bd idMysteries
https://exiledrebelsscanlations.com/ 67 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍 https://f-w-o.com/ 69 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://fanstranslations.com/ 8 dipu-bd SirGryphin idMysteries
🔍 https://freefullnovel.com/ 78 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://freemanga.me/ 75 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍 https://freewebnovel.com/ 15 dipu-bd SirGryphin idMysteries
https://fujitranslation.com/ 62 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍🖼️ https://harimanga.com/ 75 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
https://hostednovel.com/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://hotnovelfull.com/ 77 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki Galunid
🔍🖼️ https://hto.to/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
https://hui3r.wordpress.com/ 63 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🔍🖼️ https://imperfectcomic.org/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
https://inadequatetranslations.wordpress.com/ 71 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://infinitenoveltranslations.net/ 66 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍🖼️ https://isekaiscan.com/ 76 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries jere344 kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://isekaiscan.eu/ 76 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries jere344 kuwoyuki mchubby
https://isotls.com/ 59 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries
🤖 https://jpmtl.com/ 63 dipu-bd yudilee
https://justatranslatortranslations.com/ 66 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍🖼️ https://king-manga.com/ 74 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://kissmanga.in/ 76 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍 https://latestnovel.net/ 76 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee watzeedzad BorgSquared frybin
https://lazybirdtranslations.wordpress.com/ 65 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://lazygirltranslations.com/ 12 dipu-bd idMysteries
https://lemontreetranslations.wordpress.com/ 70 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍 https://librarynovel.com/ 7 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://lightnovel.world/ 62 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🔍 https://lightnovelbastion.com/ 10 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://lightnovelheaven.com/ 64 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://lightnovelreader.me/ 9 dipu-bd
🔍 https://lightnovels.me/ 4 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://lightnovelsonl.com/ 20 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
https://lightnovelstranslations.com/ 11 dipu-bd SirGryphin idMysteries
🔍 https://listnovel.com/ 11 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🤖🔑 https://lnmtl.com/ 97 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://lnreader.org/ 9 dipu-bd
https://lunarletters.com/ 15 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://m.readlightnovel.cc/ 13 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🔍 https://m.webnovel.com/ 89 dipu-bd yudilee idMysteries
🔍 https://m.wuxiaworld.co/ 69 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee Galunid
🔍🖼️ https://manga-tx.com/ 76 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://mangabuddy.com/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍🖼️ https://mangachill.io/ 12 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍🖼️ https://mangachill.love/ 12 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍🖼️ https://mangarockteam.com/ 74 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://mangarosie.love/ 76 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://mangarosie.me/ 76 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://mangastic.net/ 16 dipu-bd SirGryphin watzeedzad
https://mangatoon.mobi/ 8 dipu-bd yudilee
🔍🖼️ https://mangatoto.com/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍🖼️ https://mangatoto.net/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍🖼️ https://mangatoto.org/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🖼️ https://mangatx.com/ 76 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://mangaweebs.in/ 75 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://manhuaplus.online/ 17 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍🖼️ https://manhwachill.com/ 11 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://meownovel.com/ 16 dipu-bd SirGryphin idMysteries
https://miraslation.net/ 63 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries AncientCatz
🤖🔍 https://mixednovel.net/ 5 jere344 hoangphuc05
🤖🔍 https://mltnovels.com/ 4 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://mostnovel.com/ 8 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🤖🔍🔑 https://mtlnation.com/ 11 dipu-bd idMysteries
🤖🔍 https://mtlreader.com/ 4 dipu-bd
🔍🖼️ https://mto.to/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://myboxnovel.com/ 69 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍🖼️ https://myreadingmanga.fit/ 6 dipu-bd jere344
🔍 https://mysticalmerries.com/ 68 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://newnovel.org/ 67 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://noblemtl.com/ 10 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍🖼️ https://noobchan.xyz/ 78 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍 https://novel27.com/ 68 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://novel35.com/ 1 idMysteries
🔍 https://novelbin.com/ 74 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki Galunid
🔍 https://novelbin.net/ 1 dipu-bd
🔍 https://novelcake.com/ 15 dipu-bd SirGryphin idMysteries
🔍 https://novelfull.com/ 49 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki Galunid
🔍 https://novelfull.me/ 2 idMysteries jere344
🔍 https://novelfullplus.com/ 11 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://novelgate.net/ 14 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://novelhard.com/ 66 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://novelhi.com/ 6 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://novelhulk.com/ 74 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki Galunid
🤖 https://novelmao.com/ 6 dipu-bd
🖼️ https://novelmic.com/ 20 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://novelnext.com/ 8 dipu-bd SirGryphin idMysteries
🔍 https://novelonlinefree.com/ 23 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://novelonlinefull.com/ 19 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://novels.pl/ 6 dipu-bd jere344
🔍 https://novelsala.com/ 11 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://novelsemperor.com/ 8 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://novelsite.net/ 13 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://novelsonline.net/ 73 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🤖🔍 https://noveltranslate.com/ 12 dipu-bd SirGryphin jere344
🤖 https://novelww.com/ 8 dipu-bd idMysteries jere344
https://novelzec.com/ 2 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://pandanovel.org/ 2 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍🖼️ https://pianmanga.com/ 76 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
https://puretl.com/ 9 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://randomnovel.com/ 78 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
https://ranobes.net/ 11 dipu-bd
https://re-library.com/ 6 dipu-bd zerty
https://readlightnovel.me/ 72 dipu-bd yudilee
🔍 https://readlightnovels.net/ 32 dipu-bd yudilee
🖼️ https://readmanganato.com/ 61 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🤖🔍 https://readmtl.com/ 1 dipu-bd
🔍 https://readnovelfull.com/ 73 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki Galunid
🔍 https://readonlinenovels.com/ 67 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries jere344 amritoo
🔍 https://readwebnovels.net/ 68 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://reaperscans.com/ 7 dipu-bd SirGryphin idMysteries
https://reincarnationpalace.com/ 64 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://rpgnoob.wordpress.com/ 72 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://rpgnovels.com/ 72 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍 https://scribblehub.com/ 31 dipu-bd yudilee idMysteries Epicpkmn11
https://secondlifetranslations.com/ 5 idMysteries
https://shalvationtranslations.wordpress.com/ 68 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍 https://skynovel.org/ 14 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://sleepytranslations.com/ 14 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://smnovels.com/ 60 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
https://snowycodex.com/ 3 dipu-bd idMysteries
https://steambunlightnovel.com/ 14 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://supernovel.net/ 65 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://systemtranslation.com/ 11 dipu-bd idMysteries
🤖🔍 https://tamagotl.com/ 6 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://tipnovel.com/ 67 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://toc.qidianunderground.org/ 10 dipu-bd idMysteries BorgSquared
🔍 https://tocqidianunderground.blogspot.com/ 10 dipu-bd idMysteries BorgSquared
https://tomotranslations.com/ 11 dipu-bd
🖼️ https://toonily.com/ 78 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
https://totallytranslations.com/ 6 dipu-bd
https://travistranslations.com/ 4 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://usefulnovel.com/ 80 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
https://veratales.com/ 71 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee zerty AncientCatz
🔍 https://vipnovel.com/ 67 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
https://vistranslations.wordpress.com/ 72 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://wanderinginn.com/ 64 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://webnovelonline.com/ 12 dipu-bd kuwoyuki
🔍 https://webnovelonline.net/ 69 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee jere344 kuwoyuki
https://whatsawhizzerwebnovels.com/ 1 idMysteries
🤖 https://wnmtl.org/ 21 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://wondernovels.com/ 13 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://woopread.com/ 9 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://wordexcerpt.com/ 13 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
https://wordrain69.com/ 4 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍🖼️ https://wto.to/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
https://wujizun.com/ 75 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🤖🔍 https://wuxia.city/ 5 dipu-bd
🔍 https://wuxiaworld.name/ 25 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
https://wuxiaworld.online/ 29 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
https://wuxiaworldsite.co/ 6 dipu-bd
🔍 https://www.allnovel.org/ 47 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki Galunid
https://www.asianhobbyist.com/ 15 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://www.blackbox-tl.com/ 4 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://www.box-novel.com/ 16 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://www.chickengege.org/ 4 idMysteries
https://www.divinedaolibrary.com/ 3 dipu-bd
🔍 https://www.f-w-o.com/ 69 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://www.fanfiction.net/ 15 dipu-bd
🔍 https://www.fictionpress.com/ 16 dipu-bd watzeedzad
https://www.flying-lines.com/ 11 dipu-bd
https://www.foxteller.com/ 7 dipu-bd
https://www.freelightnovel.com/ 11 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://www.fringecapybara.com/ 66 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://www.fuyuneko.org/ 65 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍 https://www.inkitt.com/ 2 idMysteries
https://www.isotls.com/ 59 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries
https://www.kitenovel.com/ 3 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🤖 https://www.koreanmtl.online/ 10 dipu-bd
🔍 https://www.lightnovelmeta.com/ 4 dipu-bd idMysteries zerty
🔍 https://www.lightnovelpub.com/ 26 dipu-bd SirGryphin idMysteries jere344 zerty Galunid
🔍 https://www.lightnovelreader.me/ 9 dipu-bd
🔍 https://www.lightnovelworld.com/ 1 dipu-bd
🔍 https://www.lnreader.org/ 9 dipu-bd
🔍 https://www.ltnovel.com/ 7 dipu-bd SirGryphin watzeedzad zerty
🤖🔍 https://www.machine-translation.org/ 14 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍🖼️ https://www.mangaread.org/ 76 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries jere344 kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://www.mangaweebs.in/ 75 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
https://www.miraslation.net/ 63 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries AncientCatz
🤖🔍🔑 https://www.mtlnation.com/ 11 dipu-bd idMysteries
🤖🔍 https://www.mtlreader.com/ 4 dipu-bd
🔍 https://www.neosekaitranslations.com/ 75 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee watzeedzad frybin
https://www.newsnovel.net/ 30 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🔍 https://www.novelall.com/ 61 dipu-bd yudilee
🖼️ https://www.novelcool.com/ 33 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee mesmerlord
🤖 https://www.novelhall.com/ 60 dipu-bd yudilee
🔍 https://www.novelhunters.com/ 69 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries
🤖🔍 https://www.novelmt.com/ 7 dipu-bd watzeedzad zerty
🔍 https://www.novelmtl.com/ 7 dipu-bd watzeedzad zerty
🔍 https://www.novelmultiverse.com/ 17 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://www.novelpassion.com/ 8 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://www.novelpub.com/ 18 dipu-bd SirGryphin idMysteries Galunid
🔍 https://www.novels.pl/ 6 dipu-bd jere344
🔍 https://www.novelupdates.cc/ 14 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
https://www.oppatranslations.com/ 65 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://www.ornovel.com/ 62 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🔍 https://www.pandamanga.xyz/ 9 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://www.readlightnovel.cc/ 13 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
https://www.readlightnovel.me/ 72 dipu-bd yudilee
🤖🔍 https://www.readwn.com/ 9 dipu-bd SirGryphin zerty
🔍 https://www.royalroad.com/ 71 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki Epicpkmn11
🔍 https://www.scribblehub.com/ 31 dipu-bd yudilee idMysteries Epicpkmn11
https://www.tapread.com/ 57 dipu-bd yudilee
https://www.teanovel.com/ 2 idMysteries
https://www.teanovel.net/ 2 idMysteries
🔍🖼️ https://www.topmanhua.com/ 13 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://www.virlyce.com/ 66 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
🔍 https://www.volarenovels.com/ 63 dipu-bd yudilee kuwoyuki
🔍 https://www.webnovel.com/ 89 dipu-bd yudilee idMysteries
🔍 https://www.webnovelpub.com/ 1 dipu-bd
🤖 https://www.wnmtl.org/ 21 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://www.wuxia.blog/ 4 idMysteries
🔍 https://www.wuxiahub.com/ 3 dipu-bd zerty
https://www.wuxialeague.com/ 8 dipu-bd
🤖🔍 https://www.wuxiamtl.com/ 3 dipu-bd zerty
🔍 https://www.wuxianovelhub.com/ 3 dipu-bd idMysteries zerty
🔍 https://www.wuxiapub.com/ 3 dipu-bd zerty
🔍 https://www.wuxiar.com/ 2 dipu-bd zerty
🔍 https://www.wuxiau.com/ 3 dipu-bd zerty
🔍 https://www.wuxiav.com/ 2 dipu-bd zerty
🔍🔑 https://www.wuxiaworld.com/ 90 dipu-bd yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki
🔍 https://www.wuxiax.com/ 2 dipu-bd zerty
🔍 https://www.wuxiaz.com/ 3 dipu-bd zerty
https://www.xiainovel.com/ 57 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🔍 https://zetrotranslation.com/ 81 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍🖼️ https://zinmanga.com/ 77 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
🔍 https://zinnovel.com/ 12 dipu-bd SirGryphin

es Spanish; Castilian

Source URL Version Contributors
https://cclawtranslations.home.blog/ 71 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://domentranslations.wordpress.com/ 71 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz

fr French

Source URL Version Contributors
🔍🖼️ https://anime-sama.fr/ 2 jere344
🔍 https://chireads.com/ 8 dipu-bd jere344
🔍 https://lightnovelfr.com/ 9 dipu-bd idMysteries
🤖🔍 https://lnmtlfr.com/ 9 dipu-bd jere344
https://xiaowaz.fr/ 3 idMysteries

id Indonesian

Source URL Version Contributors
http://zhi-end.blogspot.co.id/ 63 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
http://zhi-end.blogspot.com/ 63 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://darktranslation.com/ 68 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee AncientCatz
https://grensia.blogspot.com/ 5 dipu-bd idMysteries
https://indowebnovel.id/ 61 dipu-bd yudilee AncientCatz
https://meionovel.id/ 62 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🔍 https://morenovel.net/ 9 dipu-bd SirGryphin
https://novelgo.id/ 14 dipu-bd yudilee AncientCatz dragonroad99
https://novelringan.com/ 59 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
🔍 https://noveltoon.mobi/ 6 dipu-bd
🔍 https://wbnovel.com/ 62 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
https://webnovelindonesia.com/ 7 dipu-bd
https://www.idqidian.us/ 46 dipu-bd yudilee
🔍 https://www.webnovelover.com/ 67 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
https://www.worldnovel.online/ 81 dipu-bd yudilee
https://yukinovel.id/ 56 dipu-bd yudilee
https://yukinovel.me/ 56 dipu-bd yudilee

pt Portuguese

Source URL Version Contributors
🔍 https://blnovels.net/ 6 dipu-bd SirGryphin
🔍 https://centralnovel.com/ 9 dipu-bd idMysteries jere344
https://www.ceunovel.com/ 1 idMysteries

ru Russian

Source URL Version Contributors
🔍🖼️ https://bestmanga.club/ 75 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee idMysteries kuwoyuki mchubby
https://jaomix.ru/ 7 dipu-bd idMysteries watzeedzad
🔍 https://litnet.com/ 6 dipu-bd

vi Vietnamese

Source URL Version Contributors
🤖🔍 https://docln.net/ 11 dipu-bd jere344
🤖🔍 https://ln.hako.vn/ 11 dipu-bd jere344
🤖🔍 https://truyenfull.vn/ 5 dipu-bd
🤖🔍 https://truyentr.info/ 5 dipu-bd

zh Chinese

Source URL Version Contributors
🔍 https://sj.uukanshu.com/ 6 dipu-bd idMysteries
🔍 https://tw.m.ixdzs.com/ 4 dipu-bd junqili259
https://www.aixdzs.com/ 18 dipu-bd
https://www.daocaorenshuwu.com/ 58 dipu-bd SirGryphin yudilee
https://www.soxs.cc/ 6 dipu-bd junqili259

Rejected sources

Source URL Rejection Cause
http://boxnovel.org/ No longer operational
http://fullnovel.live/ This site can not be reached
http://gravitytales.com/ Domain is expired
http://hs2ppe.co.uk/ No longer provides lightnovels
http://wspadancewichita.com/ Site closed and moved to https://readnovelfull.com/
http://www.hanyunovels.site/ Site is down
https://4scanlation.com/ Domain expired
https://888novel.com/ Gets IP banned for using crawler
https://anythingnovel.com/ The domain is for sale
https://arangscans.com/ This site can not be reached
https://bestoflightnovels.com/ This site can not be reached
https://boxnovel.online/ This site can not be reached
https://boxnovel.org/ No longer operational
https://clicknovel.net/ The domain has expired
https://dsrealmtranslations.com/ Domain expired
https://fsapk.com/ No longer provides lightnovels
https://indomtl.com/ Not crawler friendly
https://instadoses.com/ This site can not be reached
https://kiss-novel.com/ Site is down
https://light-novel.online/ The domain has expired
https://lightnovel.tv/ This site can not be reached
https://lightnovelkiss.com/ This site can not be reached
https://lightnovelshub.com/ No longer provides lightnovels
https://mtled-novels.com/ Domain is expired
https://myoniyonitranslations.com/ This site can not be reached
https://newsite.kolnovel.com/ Site is down
https://novelcrush.com/ Site is down
https://novelplanet.com/ Site is closed
https://novelraw.blogspot.com/ Site closed down
https://novelsrock.com/ Web server is down
https://omgnovels.com/ Site is down
https://overabook.com/ Site is down
https://pery.info/ Site is down
https://read.asianovel.com/ Connection timed out
https://readnovelz.net/ Redirects to webnovelonline.net
https://tunovelaligera.com/ Broken. Chapters does not load
https://viewnovel.net/ Site is down
https://wordexcerpt.org/ This site can not be reached
https://writerupdates.com/ Site is down
https://wuxiaworld.io/ Cloudflare Error 522, can not connect to host
https://wuxiaworld.live/ The domain has expired
https://wuxiaworld.site/ Access denied
https://www.centinni.com/ Site is down
https://www.novelspread.com/ Site is down
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https://www.novelv.com/ Site is down
https://www.rebirth.online/ Redrects to https://foxteller.com/
https://www.shinsori.com/ This site can not be reached
https://www.translateindo.com/ Site is down
https://www.wuxiaworld.co/ This site can not be reached

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