
Poptype.co theme for Bootstrap

Primary LanguageCSS


MND theme for Bootstrap.

dependency Status devDependency Status

Browse the styleguide



Installation is done with npm.

npm install --save mndx-bootstrap


@import "mnd-bootstrap/src/bootstrap";

// Load sass variables via the variables file
@import "mnd-bootstrap/src/mnd-bootstrap/variables";

// Or if you're building with webpack
@import "mnd-bootstrap/src/mnd-bootstrap/variables.webpack";

Development setup

To setup the development environment you need to install all the dependencies.

Run bin/setup.

Then you use gulp to compile the sass when you change the files:


Leave gulp running, it starts a webserver and it will generate the styleguide everytime a file changes.

To check the styleguide, go to http://localhost:8000

Keeping dependencies up to date

These are the dependency trees that need to be kept up to date:

  • bundle install - gem dependencies specified in Gemfile.lock
  • npm update - npm dependencies specified in package.json
  • bower update - bower dependencies specified in bower.json

Release new version

To create a new version, there are multiple steps:

  • First, we want to increase the version number in the package.json and bower.json files and commit this.
  • Then we want to tag the commit, because bower use the git tag as version number instead of reading a manifest file.
  • To release the new version, we will just push those changes to master
  • Publish the version to npm
  • And last but not least, now want to update the doc (style-guide) too, use the gulp gh-pages` task for this.

I've created a gulp task for all those steps:

gulp release [--level patch|minor|major]

The level change the version increment according to the semver documentation.

patch # makes v0.1.0 → v0.1.1
minor # makes v0.1.1 → v0.2.0
major # makes v0.2.1 → v1.0.0


When you are working on a project and you need to work on the styleguide and the project at the same time, it's really painful to have to make changes in the NPM component (mndx-bootstrap) and publish it before you can test your changes in your project.

There is a good solution for this, npm link.

Just follow those steps:

cd project/mnd-bootstrap
npm link
cd project/working-dir
npm link mndx-bootstrap