
How many keys do you press each day?

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


How many keys do you press each day?


On Windows:


On macOS:


Universal (non platform-related) requirements are gathered into requirements.txt.

To build from source code, you'll need pyinstaller as well.

How to build

Run pyinstaller --clean --noconfirm counter.spec.

How to use

On Windows just launch the exe file. The number is displayed in a transparent window on the right bottom of your main display (right above the taskbar), and the window is dynamically resized when needed.

On macOS you'll need to manually add the .app bundle to Accessibility list. To do so you should click on the Apple menu, and go to System preferences > Security and privacy > Privacy > Accessibility. Click the + button to add the .app bundle to app list, and check the checkbox before the app name. You'll need to re-launch KeyCounter after this.

Linux is currently not supported. Any contribution is welcome, though.

Known issues

On Windows, key events in the following processes are not working properly, which seems to be an issue of pyHook:

  • Task manager
  • Remote desktop

On macOS, the following key events are not working properly:

  • Function keys (media keys will work, however)
  • Caps lock key (count only increase once if you press it twice)