
candc:models:required option argument is undefined

yuchenlin opened this issue · 2 comments


I found that C&C parsing wiki and svn could not be reached now and I managed to build from source by myself. (maybe I missed some instructions?)
Although the C&C is built successfully (with "make -f Makefile.unix") and I also downloaded the models from the link, the command below still reports errors:
$ candc-1.00/bin/candc --models /mnt/c/Users/v-yuclin/workspace/ccg2lambda/candc-1.00/models --candc-printer xml --input sentences.tok > sentences.candc.xml

The error is:

candc:models:required option argument is undefined

usage: candc [options]

  --help: show the short help message
  --more: show the long help message
  --config <arg>: load a configuration file
  --version: the version number
  --licence: the C&C tools licence 

I can assure that my model path is correct and I have tried both absolute path and relative path.
I guess this may relate to the config file in the model folder, but I don't know what to write there.

BTW, it seems java-candc cannot be used in this case, right?

I solved this problem by re-installing and building candc from this link: