
Kaede Treebank

Primary LanguagePerl

A brief introduction to the Kaede treebank (楓)

Kaede treebank is a Japanese constituent treebank, which has clause level annotations with syntactic function labels, e.g., syntactic role and clause type, and coordinated construction. The treebank is designed to have complete binary trees, and is currently composed of about 10,000 sentences from the Kyoto University Text Corpus (the Mainichi Shimbun Newspaper).

Due to the copyright issue, this repository provides only annotations, and does not include original raw text data. In order to obtain a treebank with original raw texts, follow this procedure.

  1. Buy Mainichi Shimbun News Data (毎日新聞記事データ集). You can purchase the data from Nichigai Associates.
  2. Run auto_conv (specify the directory of the Mainichi Shimbun News Data as a command-line argument).

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Part-of-speech tags (terminal symbols)

symbol definition
NN Noun
NNP Proper noun
NPR Pronoun
NV Verbal noun
VB Verb
ADJ Adjective
ADNOM Adnominal adjective
ADV Adverb
AUX Auxiliary verb
CONJ Conjunction
NADJ Nominal adjective
NADV Nominal adverb
NNF Formal noun
NNFV Formal noun (adverbial)
NUM Numeral
CL Classifier
NV Verbal noun
PX Prefix
SX Suffix
SXNADJ Suffix (nominal adjective)
PCS Case particle
PADN Adnominal particle
PBD Binding particle
PCO Parallel particle
PCJ Conjunctive particle
PEND Sentence-ending particle
P Particle (others)
PNC Punctuation
PAR Parenthesis
SYM Symbol
INTJ Interjection
FIL Filler

Compound word tags (non-terminal symbols)

symbol definition
AUXCOMP Compound auxiliary verb
CLCOMP Compound classifier
NUMCOMP Compound numeral
PCOMP Compound particle
PCOMPADN Compound particle (adnominal)
PCOMPADV Compound particle (adverbial)
SYMCOMP Compound symbol

Phrase tags (non-terminal symbols)

symbol definition
NP Noun phrase
VP Verb phrase
VCP Nominal predicate phrase (w/ copula)
VNP Nominal predicate phrase (w/o copula)
VQP Verb phrase (indirect question)
ADJP Adjective phrase
NADJP Nominal adjective phrase
ADVP Adverbial phrase
PP Postposition phrase
CONJP Conjunction phrase
INTJP Interjection phrase
FILP Filler phrase
IP Inflectional phrase
IP-MAT Matrix phrase
IP-ADV Adverbial phrase
IP-REL Relative clause
IP-REL_sbj Relative clause (subject gap)
IP-REL_obj Relative clause (object gap)
IP-REL_ob2 Relative clause (indirect object gap)
IP-ADN Adnominal clause (non-gap)
CP Complementizer phrase
CP-THT Quotation clause
CP-NNF Nominalized clause
CP-QUE Interrogative clause

Function tags

symbol definition
-SBJ Subjective case
-OBJ Objective case
-OB2 Indirect object case
-TMP Temporal case
-LOC Locative case
-COORD Coordinated structure
-ZPRED-COORD Coordinated structure with ellipsis of predicate
-APPOS Apposition
-QUE Question
-ADV Adverbial modification
-ADNOM Adnominal modification
-MSR Measure expression
-FRAG Fragment


  • Takaaki Tanaka (NTT)
  • Masaaki Nagata (NTT)
  • Takuya Matsuzaki (Nagoya Univ.)
  • Yusuke Miyao (NII)
  • Sumire Uematsu (NII)


  • 田中貴秋, 永田昌明, 松崎拓也, 宮尾祐介, 植松すみれ: 統語情報と意味情報を統合した日本語句構造ツリーバンクの構築. 言語処理学会第20回年次大会予稿集, pp.737–740 (2014).
  • Takaaki Tanaka and Masaaki Nagata.: Constructing a Practical Constituent Parser from a Japanese Treebank with Function Labels. In Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages (SPMRL 2013), pp.108-118 (2013).
  • Sumire Uematsu, Takuya Matsuzaki, Hiroaki Hanaoka, Yusuke Miyao, and Hideki Mima.: Integrating Multiple Dependency Corpora for Inducing Wide Coverage Japanese CCG Resources. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2013), pp. 1042-1051 (2013).