See "manual/index.html" for details.
- Unpack the package
This will create a new directory "liblilfes-x.x.x" (x.x.x is a version of LiLFeS).
% gzip -dc < liblilfes-x.x.x.tar.gz | tar xvf -
- Generate "Makefile" by "configure"
You can see many options specific to LiLFeS by "-h" option.
% ./configure
If you want to install lilfes in your home directory, specify "--prefix=$HOME" option.
% ./configure --prefix=$HOME
- make
- make install
Generate "configure" file by the following procedure:
% libtoolize --force; aclocal; autoheader; automake --add-missing --foreign; autoconf
and run the "configure" file with "--enable-maintainer-mode":
% ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode
(* Bison(yacc) and flex is necessary to make.)