
Vietnamese Treebank

Primary LanguagePython

NIIVTB: Vietnamese Constituent Treebank

NIIVTB is a Vietnamese constituent treebank that is annotated with three layers: word segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, and bracketing. This treebank includes 20,588 sentences divided into two subsets, NIIVTB-1 (10,431 sentences) and NIIVTB-2 (10,157 sentences), corresponding to two different sets of raw texts: VLSP and our original texts. The raw texts of VLSP, downloaded from Youth (Tuổi Trẻ) - an online daily newspaper, are focused on social and political topics. Our original texts, which were collected from a Vietnamese online newspaper - Thanhnien news, cover 14 topics. We selected an equal number of texts for each topic (please refer to our LRE paper for more details). Each of NIIVTB-1 and NIIVTB-2 is separated into three parts, Dev including 1000 sentences (files in the Dev directory), Test including 1000 sentences (files in the Test directory), and Train including the rest (files in the Train directory).

Due to the copyright issue, we provide only annotations. In order to obtain a treebank with original raw texts, please follow this procedure.


  1. Place .raw files of the VLSP treebank (https://vlsp.hpda.vn/) in the directory "NIIVTB-1-RawText"
  2. Run "./merge.py treebank/NIIVTB-1"
  3. NIIVTB-1 with raw texts are output in "NIIVTB-1-Finished"


  1. Acquire texts from Thanhnien newspaper (https://thanhnien.vn)
  2. Preprocess text:

Original newspaper:

alt text

Newspaper after sentence segmentation:

alt text

  1. Place the preproced texts in the directory "NIIVTB-2-RawText"
  2. Run "./merge.py treebank/NIIVTB-2".
  3. NIIVTB-2 with raw texts are output in "NIIVTB-2-Finished"

Note: If your raw texts are not identical to our texts, the invalid files will be listed in "invalidFiles.txt". This means that the treebank was not created for those files. Please refer to the files in the directory "NIIVTB-1-ID" or "NIIVTB-2-ID" for modifying your texts. Your texts must have the same name and number of sentences (rows) as the ID files. Number in each row in the ID files indicates number of syllables per sentence that the raw texts must follow.

This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


POS tags

No. POS tag Meaning of tag No. POS tag Meaning of tag
1 Sv Sino-Vietnamese syllable 18 Vcp Comparative verb
2 Nc Classifier noun 19 Vv Other verb
3 Ncs Special classifier noun 20 An Ordinal number
4 Nu Unit noun 21 Aa Other adjective
5 Nun Special unit noun 22 Pd Demonstrative pronoun
6 Nw Quantifier indicating the whole 23 Pp Other pronoun
7 Num Number 24 R Adjunct
8 Nq Other quantifier 25 Cs Preposition or conjunction introducing a clause
9 Nr Proper noun 26 Cp Other conjunction
10 Nt Noun of time 27 ON Onomatopoeia
11 Nn Other noun 28 ID Idioms
12 Ve Exiting verb 29 E Exclamation word
13 Vc Copula "là" verb 30 M Modifier word
14 D Directional verb 31 FW Foreign word
15 VA Verb-adjective 32 X Unknown word
16 VN Verb-noun 33 PU Punctuation
17 NA Noun-adjective

Constituency tags

No. Tag Explanation No. Tag Explanation
1 NP Noun phrase 10 QRP Questioning adjunct phrase
2 QP Quantitative phrase 11 QPP Questioning prepositional phrase
3 VP Verb phrase 12 QADJP Questioning adjective phrase
4 ADJP Adjective phrase 13 MDP Modal phrase
5 PP Prepositional phrase 14 S Simple/compound declarative sentence
6 RP Adjunct phrase 15 SQ Question
7 CONJP Conjunction phrase 16 SPL Special sentence
8 UCP Unlike coordinated phrase 17 SBAR Subordinate clause
9 QNP Questioning noun phrase 18 XP Unknown phrase

Functional tags

No. Tag Explanation No. Tag Explanation
1 H Head of phrase 12 TMP Temporal
2 SBJ Subject 13 LOC Locative
3 LGS Logical subject 14 MNR Manner
4 PRD Predicate that is not VP 15 PRP Purpose or reason
5 DOB Direct object 16 CND Condition
6 IOB Indirect object 17 CNC Concessions
7 CMP Complement 18 ADV Adverbial
8 TPC Topicalized 19 HLN Headline
9 MDP Modal phrase 20 TTL Title
10 VOC Vocative 21 EXC Exclamative sentence
11 PRN Parenthetical 22 CMD Imperative sentence

Null elements

No. Tag Explanation
1 *T* Trace of phrase movement
2 *E* Ellipses without trace for phrase
3 * Ellipses with trace for phrase
4 *0* Null complementizer
5 *P* Null passive verb
6 *H* Ellipses with trace for head word
7 *D* Ellipses with trace for direct object of reduced relative clause

Word-internal structure tags

Group Tag Description
Word Nn_w A combination of one or more Sino-Vietnamese elements and an original Vietnamese word to create a noun
Vv_w A combination of a Sino-Vietnamese element and an original Vietnamese word to create a verb
Aa_w A combination of a Sino-Vietnamese element and an original Vietnamese word to create an adjective
R_w A combination of a Sino-Vietnamese element and an original Vietnamese word to create an adjunct
Supra-word sub-phrase Nn_swsp A sequence of a classifier noun (Nc) and its modifier that has meaning as a noun
Nn_swsp A sequence of a special classifier noun (Ncs) and its modifier that has meaning as a noun
Nn_swsp A sequence of a categorization noun (Nn) and its modifier that has meaning as a noun
Vv_swsp_Rt A repetitive form that has meaning as a verb
Aa_swsp_Rt A repetitive form that has meaning as an adjective
Nn_swsp_Rt A repetitive form that has meaning as a noun
On_swsp_Rt A repetitive form is a sound

Details of these tags are available in our LRE paper.


  1. Quy T. Nguyen, Yusuke Miyao, Ha T.T. Le, Nhung T.H. Nguyen. 2018. Ensuring Annotation Consistency and Accuracy for Vietnamese Treebank. Language Resources and Evaluation, 52(1), pages: 269-315.
  2. Quy T. Nguyen, Yusuke Miyao, Ha T.T. Le, Ngan L.T. Nguyen. 2016. Challenges and Solutions for Consistent Annotation of Vietnamese Treebank. In proceedings of 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages: 1532-1539.