
Python GUI application to test designs with TMC223 stepper drivers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python GUI application to test designs with TMC223 stepper drivers


filterstage-gui is a Python GUI application to control an optical bandpass that is running the filterstage firmware on an Arduino.

With filterstage-gui it is possible to test this self-designed filterstage. Although it can be used to debug any design based on TMC223 stepper drivers from Trinamic. Many parameters can be set and saved to a configuration file, too.

Note: This also was a first attempt to learn and play with JSON, PySide and threading.


Tested under Linux (Ubuntu 12.04)

Python       (2.7.3 tested)
pyserial     (2.6 tested)
PySide       (1.0.6 tested; do not use 1.1.1 - known bad, causing segfaults)
simplejson   (2.3.2 tested)


To run, use python filterstage-gui.py

To generate from Designer UI file:

  1. Create GUI with Qt Designer
  2. To make UI file readable to Python generate Python code from Designer UI file with pyside-uic -o filterstage_ui.py filterstage.ui (or use Makefile)
  3. Run...


  • filterstage-gui.py Python program loading UI file with MainWindow
  • filterstage.ui Qt Designer UI file
  • filterstage-conf Configuration file with stored, JSON formated parameters
  • filterstage_ui.py Generated, Python readable UI file