About myou-engine-doc

This repository contains the source for the documentation of myou-engine.

To read the documentation online, go here.

To read the documentation offline, install myou-tool and run myou-tool help.


The documentation uses Codo to generate API docs from myou-engine source code, as well as rendering the markdown files contained in this repository into the official manual. It uses a custom codo theme.

All manual files are listed in the file .codoopts in the order they should appear. Edit this file to add, remove, rename or move files of the manual around. Use npm start to build the documentation with codo.

TODO: Script that watches for changes and calls codo with just the changed files. Or modify codo for this purpose.

We'll probably move from codo to JSDoc after coffee-script 2 is ready and we use it for the engine to compile to native ES6 classes.