This Terraform module uses the Telmate provider version v2.9.14.
Supported version of Proxmox not higher than 8.0.3
This terraform module uses pre-prepared virtual machine templates. If you use a Proxmox cluster, then virtual machine template should be located in the central storage or on each node of the cluster.
qm create 999 --name Debina11-CloudInit
qm importdisk 999 /tmp/debian-12-generic-amd64.qcow2 local-zfs
qm set 999 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --virtio0 local-zfs:vm-999-disk-0
qm set 999 --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0
qm set 999 --ostype l26
qm set 999 --ide2 local-zfs:cloudinit
qm set 999 --boot c --bootdisk virtio0
qm set 999 --serial0 socket --vga serial0
qm set 999 --agent enabled=1
qm template 999
Name | Type | Default |
node_name | list(string) | ["pve"] |
create_pool | bool | true |
pool_name | string | null |
tags_vm | list(string) | [""] |
description_vm | string | null |
count_vm | number | 1 |
vm_name | string | "node" |
vm_clone_id | string | null |
vm_cpu_type | string | "host" |
vm_cores | number | 2 |
vm_memory | number | 4096 |
vm_disk_sizes | list(string) | ["10G"] |
vm_storage_name | string | "local-zfs" |
vm_newtwork_bridge_name | string | "vmbr0" |
vm_network_vlan_id | number | null |
Name | Type | Default |
vm_user_name | string | null |
vm_user_password | string | null |
vm_search_domain | string | null |
vm_dns | list(string) | null |
vm_network_ip_address | string | null |
vm_network_gw_adress | string | null |
vm_user_ssh_key_file | string | null |
terraform {
required_providers {
proxmox = {
source = "Telmate/proxmox"
version = ">= 2.9.14"
provider "proxmox" {
pm_api_url = ""
pm_api_token_id = "test_api@pve!terraform"
pm_api_token_secret = "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXX"
pm_tls_insecure = true
pm_debug = true
module "example_deploy_vm" {
source = ""
node_name = ["pve"]
pool_name = "pool-example"
count_vm = 3
tags_vm = ["example", "vm"]
vm_name = "vm-example"
vm_clone_id = "Debian12-CloudInit"
vm_cpu_type = "host"
vm_cores = 4
vm_memory = 8192
vm_disk_sizes = ["20G"]
vm_storage_name = "local-zfs"
vm_newtwork_bridge_name = "vmbr0"
# Cloud-Init Info
vm_user_name = "user"
vm_user_password = "P@ssw0rd"
vm_user_ssh_key_file = "~/.ssh/"
vm_search_domain = "example.local.corp"
vm_dns = ["", ""]
#These two parameters can be commented out, and then the network parameters will be set to "dhcp"
vm_network_ip_address = ""
vm_network_gw_adress = ""
output "example_deploy_vm" {
value = module.example_deploy_vm.vm_info
resource "local_file" "ansible_inventory_file" {
content = templatefile("./ansible/inventory/hosts.tmpl", {
vm_user = var.vm_user_name
vm_domain = var.vm_domain_name
vm_example = module.example_deploy_vm.vm_info
filename = "./ansible/inventory/hosts"
%{for key, value in vm_example ~}
${key}.${vm_domain} ansible_host=${value}
%{endfor ~}
ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'