
A blogger client written in Python and GTK+ 3

Primary LanguagePython


###What is it? simpleblogger2 is a blogger.com client written in Python and GTK+ 3 (see this link for old version)

###Features list

  • HTML syntax highlight
  • Uploading images to the hosting service (picasa)
  • Drafts
  • Add tags to the post
  • Code insertion and highlighting (pygments)
  • Automatically adds all your blogs from Google account
  • Post preview

###Screenshots ScreenShot


  • pygobjects3
  • python-pygments
  • python-gdata

###How to build RPM file

  • Create rpm-tree with command:
  • Build python package with command:
python setup.py sdist
  • Place it into SOURCE folder of rpm tree. Place simpleblogger.spec into SPEC folder of rpm tree
  • Build rpm package:
rpmbuild -v -bb --clean SPECS/simpleblogger.spec

###Development Simpleblogger creates .simpleblogger folder in your home directory to store configuration. There is an option to store configuration data in .simpleblogger-debug folder. To activate it run simpleblogger.py with -d flag

logo This application was developed with the help of the Wingware IDE (the only one IDE that supports GTK+ autocomplete)