- 1
update kotlin
#23 opened by castletaste - 3
Feature Request: "Add To Siri" Method
#19 opened by rserro - 1
- 2
[] Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method becomeCurrent on channel flutter_siri_suggestions)
#7 opened by futuravis - 4
Error after click on siri suggestions
#12 opened by tovidd - 0
Improve Readme
#22 opened by jsiedentop - 0
Pass parameter to action via shortcuts
#20 opened by johntyty912 - 1
Navigate to another page onLanch
#18 opened by atheer1419 - 3
Only one activity gets initialised
#17 opened by B-e-r-k-e-r - 14
Not effective when the software is fully exited
#15 opened by luomo-pro - 11
- 1
Android V2 Embedding
#14 opened by nhlhelen - 3
Null Safety
#11 opened by nickhendo - 5
IOS 14.3 issue
#9 opened by greentee5 - 1
Not working on iOS 14 beta
#6 opened by Livinglist - 3
- 4
Call (buildActivity) multiple times with different keys, it creates always the last suggestion
#4 opened by seydobassam - 3
how create list of suggestions?
#3 opened by Gorniv - 5
onLaunch callback always empty map
#2 opened by stx - 0