
Utilities for Windows for Duplicacy

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Duplicacy utils

The aim of these scripts is to help the windows user automate Duplicacy usage as much as possible.

The principle i followed with these is set it and forget it.

Currently there are 2 main scripts: backup.ps1 and create scheduled task.ps1, and a generic filters file for Windows and MacOS.

1. backup.ps1

The purpose of this script is to run a duplicacy backup, or any other command by just calling the script and passing a simple argument: backup or check or prune. It uses the configuration file backup config.ps1 in which the user sets only once various info such as

  • the number of threads for backup
  • if the -vss flag should be used
  • the path to duplicacy.exe
  • the repository folder
  • etc.

The script also creates each day a new log file in a folder inside [repository]/.duplicacy/ with all the details of any backup run or other command, just as if they were run from the console.

2. create scheduled task.ps1

The purpose of this script is to create one or multiple Windows Scheduled Tasks which will run backup.ps1 with the options the user set.

It asks the user for credentials for adding the scheduled task .

3. filters

This is a duplicacy ignore file which stores some exclude patters for Windows and MacOS.

It should be edited as needed, either by commenting lines (put # at the beginning) or uncommenting them (remove # at the beginning).

The way the file is created, there should be no need to edit it currently, as it should remove no user data.


  • filters

    • improve the exclude rules for MacOS
  • misc

    • name/organize the scripts better
  • readme

    • explanation of how to run the scripts, and that they need to be in the same folder
  • backup

    • send mail/notification with the statistics of the run (and other info)
    • save mail/notification password/token to windows credentials manager, not in plaintext or some temp file which is just dumb


  • Improved the filters file with more (better?) regex from NiJoao.
  • There is no need to do anything to powershell. Just running the .bat file to create the Scheduled Task is enough.