
Modular PyTorch (Lightning) implementation of Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Primary LanguagePython

Modular Diffusion

PyTorch (Lightning) implementation of several diffusion models using the modular design as introduced in Elucidating the Design Space of Diffusion-Based Generative Models, (Karras et al. NIPS 2022).


Example training script the ElucidatedDiffusion model from Karras et al. (2022).

from lightning import Trainer

from diffusion.module.utils.cifar10 import CIFAR10DM
from diffusion.elucidated import ElucidatedDiffusion

 # Load the model configuration file
conf_file = ... # path to YAML configuration file

# Initialize model and dataset from configuration file
model = ElucidatedDiffusion.from_conf(conf_file)
cifar = CIFAR10DM.from_conf(conf_file)

# Lightning Trainer for flexible accelerated training
trainer = Trainer(
    max_epochs : 500,
    accelerator = 'gpu',
    devices = 4, # Piece of cake multi-gpu support!
    strategy : 'ddp_find_unused_parameters_false',


trainer.fit(model, datamodule = cifar)

Example of the flexible sampler choice at inference time.

from diffusion.elucidated import ElucidatedDiffusion

model = ElucidatedDiffusion.load_from_checkpoint(PATH)

# Sample using the 2° order stochastic
# Heun method from Kallas et al.
heun_imgs = model(
    num_imgs = 8,
    num_steps = 25, # Fast solver!
    ode_solver = 'heun_sde',

# Sample using the DPM++ Solver from Lu et al. (2022)
# (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2211.01095.pdf)
dpm_imgs = model(
    num_imgs = 8,
    num_steps = 25, # Fast solver!
    ode_solver = 'dpm++',

# Save or visualize the images

Example of a diffusion model with class-conditioning control.

from diffusion.elucidated import ElucidatedDiffusion
from diffusion.module.components.embedding import ClassEmbedder

model = ElucidatedDiffusion.load_from_checkpoint(PATH)

# Set the control-embedder of the model to enable
# training with external conditioning
model.ctrl_emb = ClassEmbedder(
    emb_dim = 32, # Embedding dimension
    cls_dim = 10, # Number of classes
    p_dropb = .1, # Dropout probability for conditioning

# Train the model with Lightning Trainer 


The code is heavily based on the beautiful (diffusion) repositories by lucidrains and crowsonkb.

  title={Elucidating the design space of diffusion-based generative models},
  author={Karras, Tero and Aittala, Miika and Aila, Timo and Laine, Samuli},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.00364},
    title   = {Analog Bits: Generating Discrete Data using Diffusion Models with Self-Conditioning},
    author  = {Ting Chen and Ruixiang Zhang and Geoffrey Hinton},
    year    = {2022},
    eprint  = {2208.04202},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {cs.CV}