
Apple Sign-in Client Secret Generator for PHP

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Apple Signin Client Secret Generator for PHP


This package provides class that generates token derived from your private key using ES256 JWT algorithm. For more info check useful links


PHP >= 8.0


Install the composer package:

composer require slepic/apple-sign-in-client-secret-generator

Example Usage


use Slepic\AppleSignInClientSecretGenerator\AppleSignInClientSecretGenerator;

$clientId = 'com.example.TESTAPP';
$teamId   = 'FOO123BAR456';
$keyId    = '654RAB321OOF';
$certPath = __DIR__ . '/certificate.p8';
$privateKey = \file_get_contents($certPath);

$clientSecret = new AppleSignInClientSecretGenerator();

echo $clientSecret->generate($clientId, $teamId, $keyId, $privateKey);


The project was originally forked from: kissdigital-com/apple-sign-in-client-secret-generator

When migrating from kissdigital.com solution, you must:

  • replace the class name
  • pass your credentials to the generate() method instead of the class constructor
  • extract the private key from the file by your own means and only pass its contents to the generate() method