
A pretty good colorscheme for Vim

Primary LanguageVimL

Smycking colorscheme for Vim

The theme heavily influenced by smyck: https://github.com/hukl/Smyck-Color-Scheme


Smycking colorscheme for Vim

Installing and Using

  • Install pathogen into ~/.vim/autoload/ and add the following line to your ~/.vimrc:

      call pathogen#infect()

    Make a clone of the vim-color-smycking repository:

      $ mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
      $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
      $ git clone https://github.com/myshov/vim-color-smycking
  • OR use vundle, adding this line to your ~/.vimrc:

      Plugin 'myshov/vim-color-smycking'
  • OR use neobundle, adding this line to your ~/.vimrc:

      NeoBundle 'myshov/vim-color-smycking'