
A way of allowing subdomains to be served by the same project, and associating objects with particular subdomains.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple way of allowing subdomains to be served by the same project, and associating objects with particular subdomains.


  1. By default, it will work if you use (a domain that points to localhost) on port 80. To use a different base domain/port, set the BASE_HOST and/or BASE_PORT variables.
  2. Add instances to your INSTALLED_APPS and migrate to get the Instance database table.
  3. Add Instance objects, with the label being the subdomain you wish to use. Optionally, associate users with these instances.
  4. Add instances.middleware.MultiInstanceMiddleware to your middleware; it must come after AuthenticationMiddleware. Now if you go to <subdomain>.<BASE_HOST>, request.instance will be set to the matching Instance object. If there's a subdomain given but no match, it will redirect to BASE_HOST.

Requests to a subdomain will use your ROOT_URLCONF file; requests to the BASE_HOST will use ROOT_URLCONF_HOST or instances.urls by default (which just has one page that lists all instances)..

Instance edit form

In your ROOT_URLCONF, use a line like the following to have a page for editing the title and description of an instance:

url(r'^instance/edit$', InstanceUpdate.as_view(), name='instance-edit')

Associating models

To have a model's objects be associated with an instance, mix in InstanceMixin, and if you have a custom manager make it a subclass of InstanceManager. This adds an instance field, and provides a for_instance manager method to return all the objects in the given instance.

Mix in InstanceViewMixin to any display class-based view to restrict the default queryset to the request's instance. Add InstanceFormMixin to any create/update view to store the current instance upon save, and allow editing only by those users associated with the instance. Remember to exclude instance from any model form, as it won't be seen.

Running tests

pip install .
python runtests.py