
A site focussed on connecting and empowering people who share transport problems of different kinds.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


#Data Model

See https://github.com/mysociety/fixmytransport/blob/master/data_model.md


Ruby 1.8.7


##OS X

###Get the code:

git clone https://github.com/mysociety/fixmytransport

In a terminal, navigate to the fixmytransport folder where this install guide lives.

You will also want to install mySociety's common ruby libraries. Run:

git submodule update --init

to fetch the contents of the submodule.

Copy config/general.yml-example to config/general.yml

###Configure the database:

Install Postgres and PostGIS - OSX installers are available at http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/postgres

  • copy database.yml-example to database.yml in fixmytransport/config
  • edit it to point to your local postgresql database in the development and test sections and create the databases:

Become the 'postgres' user (sudo su - postgres) (or whatever user postgres is running as)

psql template1 to get into command tool

\l to list databases

CREATE DATABASE fixmytransport_development encoding = 'UTF8';
CREATE DATABASE fixmytransport_test encoding = 'UTF8';

Make sure that the user specified in database.yml exists, and has full permissions on this database.

ALTER USER <username> WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE fixmytransport_development TO <username>;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE fixmytransport_test TO <username>;    	
ALTER DATABASE fixmytransport_development OWNER TO <username>;
ALTER DATABASE fixmytransport_test OWNER TO <username>;

The following commands need to be run at the command line following db creation for each of fixmytransport_development and fixmytransport_test:

createlang  plpgsql [database name]
psql [yourdb] < /usr/local/pgsql/share/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql
psql [yourdb] < /usr/local/pgsql/share/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql

Also, SRID 27700 (British National Grid) is incorrect in some installs of PostGIS. After you’ve installed and got a PostGIS template, log in to it and make sure the proj4text column of SRID 27700 in the spatial_ref_sys table includes +datum=OSGB36.

###Install additional packages

If you're using a Debian-based system, you should make sure that the packages listed in config/packages are all installed.

###To load a new binary Postgres dump file:

  1. Create the file from an existing database with pg_dump -p [Postgres port number] --schema=public -Fc YOURDB > YOURDB.sql.dump
  2. rake db:load_from_binary FILE=YOURDB.sql.dump

###Running the tests

If you want to run the RSpec tests continuously while developing, you can do this using ZenTest. You can install ZenTest and support for Rails with:

gem install ZenTest autotest-rails

Then you can run the following command in the fixmytransport directory:

RSPEC=true autotest