
Cannot create new routes

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When I try to create a new route in admin, I input the first two stops and check the 'terminus' box, then click 'go'. The stops that I input are not saved.

Here's one I tried today:

(As discussed via email today, @crowbot)

Fixed now.

Sorry, but I still can't seem to do this - I have created the first segment of the route but subsequent additions don't work.

The issue with admin pages not displaying all elements (#770) is also complicating matters!

OK so to avoid #770 for the time being, I suggest you just use Safari for FMT admin. I'll have a look at the subsequent route segment issue.

I'm not able to replicate the issue with creating more segments, I've just created a couple more segments - could you try again in Safari?

Thanks Louise. I have now created the route in Safari.

I did get a 'this program has stopped working' pop up from Widnows on every page refresh, but that is perhaps a different problem - and possibly one to do with my configuration rather than the site.