
HBaseSnapshotter is a Spark application that takes a snapshot of an HBase table at a given point in time and stores it to a Hive table

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



HBaseSnapshotter is a Spark application that takes a snapshot of an HBase table at a given point in time and stores it to a Hive table. Currently there are two solutions doing similar work, but not the exact functionality.

  1. HBase allows you to take a snapshot from an HBase table to another HBase table by using the provided Export and Import tools. This is done by specifying a table name, start time, end time, and number of versions, and running the export tool which will export the table to HDFS in a SequenceFile format. Then you can import the SequenceFile files to a new HBase table by using the import tool. For more information, you can check this.

  2. Hive storage handler allows you to use Hive queries and apply Hive operations on an HBase table. The shortcoming of this method is that it's able to access only the latest version of an HBase table. You can check [this] (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/HBaseIntegration) for more information.

HBaseSnapshotter allows you to take a snapshot from an HBase table and save it as a Hive table directly, with the possibility of selecting a desired point in time to copy the table at.


HBaseSnapshotter needs a json configuration file to be provided as a positional argument application.json

The format of the json config should obey one the following schemas (HBaseSnapshotter.MySQLSchema or HBaseSnapshotter.HBaseSchema):

HBaseSnapshotter {
  MySQLSchema {
    mysql.table : "database.Tablename"
    mysql.schema : "namespace:tablename"
    hbase.timestamp : -1
    hbase.zookeeper_quorum : ["hbase-zk1-host", "hbase-zkN-host"]
    hbase.table : "namespace:tablename"
    hive.table : "database.tablename"
  HBaseSchema {
    hbase.timestamp : -1
    hbase.zookeeper_quorum : ["hbase-zk1-host", "hbase-zkN-host"]
    hbase.schema : ["family1:qualifier1:type1", "familyN:qualifierN:typeN"]
    hbase.table : "namespace:tablename"
    hive.table : "database.tablename"
  • mysql.table: original replicated MySQL table (string)
  • mysql.schema: schema change history table in HBase (string)
  • hbase.timestamp: time before which to snapshot (number)
  • hbase.zookeeper_quorum: list of HBase zookeeper nodes to establish a connection with an HBase table (list)
  • hbase.table: replicated table in HBase (string)
  • hbase.schema: list of columns forming the schema of the source HBase table. A column is formatted as Familyname:Qualifiername:Typename (list)
  • hive.table: destination table for snapshot in Hive (string)

For snapshots from MySQL replication chains produced by the Replicator, the following is a valid configuration:

    "mysql": {
        "table": "database.Tablename",
        "schema": "schema_history:database"
    "hbase": {
        "timestamp": -1,
        "zookeeper_quorum": ["hbase-zk1-host", "hbase-zkN-host"],
        "table": "namespace:tablename"
    "hive": {
        "table": "database.tablename"

For snapshots from arbitrary HBase tables, the following is a valid configuration:

    "hbase": {
        "timestamp": -1,
        "zookeeper_quorum": ["hbase-zk1-host", "hbase-zkN-host"],
        "schema": ["d:column_a:integer",
        "table": "namespace:tablename:"
    "hive": {
        "table": "database.tablename"

To write a configuration file, you can start by copying one of the example files in the conf directory and customise it to your own needs.

Hive Schema

The resulting Hive table will have the same schema as the source HBase table (as far as it can infer the original MySQL schema, or as completely as possible given the hbase.schema list. Missing datatypes will default to STRING. A new column will be added to the Hive table named k_hbase_row_key for storing the HBase key of this row. For MySQL snapshots, an additional row named k_replicator_row_status will be added to the Hive table, denoting whether the row resulted from a schema change.


bin/hbase-snapshotter application.conf


First you need to build a fat jar containing all the dependencies needed by this app. Inside the project's folder, execute the command:

sbt assembly

If you don't have sbt-assembly installed, take a look at this https://github.com/sbt/sbt-assembly. This will build a fat jar at this path:


You can then copy this jar along with the files hbase-snapshotter and application.json to a docker container or a hadoop box supporting Spark:

scp target/scala-2.10/HBaseSnapshotter-assembly-2.0.jar hadoop-box.example.com:~
scp hbase-snapshotter hadoop-box.example.com:~
scp application.json hadoop-box.example.com:~

Replace hadoop-box.example.com by the actual name of your hadoop box.

Provide your config settings in the file application.json.

Finally, from the docker or hadoop box, you can run the spark app via the bash script

bin/hbase-snapshotter application.json


HBaseSnapshotter was originally developed for Booking.com. With approval from Booking.com, the code and specification were generalized and published as Open Source on github, for which the authors would like to express their gratitude.


Copyright 2016, 2017 Bosko Devetak, Islam Hassan, Pedro Silva, Rares Mirica, Raynald Chung

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.