This application contains functions which can be called via Mirth Connect Example channel implementations will be added to repository
Instructions to build this package using Maven.
Instructions for invoking custom java code in Mirth Connect.
Quick build instructions once Maven and Java are installed and ready per instructions in AWS documentation.
git clone
cd mirth-aws-example-app
mvn clean package
#####Setting Amazon S3 Bucket Destination
- Under settings in Mirth Administrative Console, select Settings.
- On the top menu list, select Configuration Map.
- Click on Add to add a value.
- The Key should be s3BucketName with the value being the name of your Amazon S3 bucket.
- Create a directory and copy this jar file to the new directory.
#####Add this new directory to your Mirth Connection configuration.
- From within Mirth Connect Administrative Console, click settings.
- Click Resources
- Click Add Resource
- Enter full directory path and add a description
- Once complete, click, Reload Resource
#####Additional web services used by Mirth Channels
- bb-webapp: HTTP listener used to process CCD/CDA XML into JSON for insertion into Amazon DynamoDB
- hl7-webapp: HTTP listener used convert transformed HL7 messages in XML format to JSON for insertion into Amazon DynamoDB
#####For each Mirth Channel using these libraries, you must include this library resource in the channel as well as any destinations.
- For each channel, enter the channel configuration.
- Click, Set Dependencies
- Click, Library Resources
- Select the context the library should be used with.
- Highlight the check box for the library to include.
- Save and deploy channel
Example use can be found in the example Mirth Channels provided.
In Example 1, we assume the data received from connectorMessage.getRawData() is formatted JSON.
#####Example Javascript Writer in Mirth Connect using sample code:
//Example 1
//create unique ID during insert
//this unique ID can be written to channel map for use in other areas
var awsFileId = UUIDGenerator.getUUID();
channelMap.put("awsFileMapId", awsFileId);
var currentDate = DateUtil.getCurrentDate("MM-dd-yyyy-HH-mm");
//loading DynamoDB java code
var awsObj = new;
var ccdJsonData = connectorMessage.getRawData();
//ccdJsonData - JSON formatted text
//"mirthdata" - DynamoDB table name
//awsFileId - unique ID for use as DynamoDB primary key
//currentDate - the current date generated above
Links to additional implementation examples will be provided when available.