A basic YUIDoc snippets for Sublime Text 2.
This project ships with Grunt.js tasks that can install the snippets in the proper location on your file system.
You'll need to be running some version of Node.js.
Once you clone the repo, drop into the main directory and do:
npm install && grunt
This will install required NPM modules and follow up by running a Grunt.js task to copy files to the correct location on your (currently MacOS) file system.
##Usage The keys available for inserting snippets are:
// ===================================
// Project: PROJECT_NAME
// Copyright: ©YEAR COMPANY
// ===================================
@class [CLASS_NAME]
@extends [BASE_CLASS_NAME]
@property [PROPERTY_NAME]
@type [DATA_TYPE]
@default [DEFAULT_VALUE]
@method [METHOD_NAME]
@return {[TYPE]} [DESCRIPTION]
Of course, YUIDoc supports a number of other comment block types. Please feel free to contribute a pull request with additions.
The default setting of "word_separators" includes an "@". In this setting, completion feature does not work well.
Add custom setting in your Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
"word_separators": "./\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?"
TODO For those lucky Windows folks out there, please feel free to contribute a snippets.directories
entry that
corresponds with the proper location for snippets. You can add this in package.json
TODO Linux users, also. Please add your OS's proper directory in package.json
Please submit a pull request.
Copyright © 2013 hayate26 Distributed under the MIT License.