Ember.ListView is now an addon as of #203. Great job, @taras, for contributing the change.
Please discontinue using this repo. This was only intended to be useful until the main project became addon-ified. Thanks for using, forking, starring, etc.
This is a shim repository that keeps the Ember.ListView component for Bower.
The purpose of this repository is to support easy installation/generation from within and Ember CLI. Please see the ember-cli-list-view repo for installation instructions.
As a quick note for ember-cli
users, you can just add this to your project's package.json
"dependencies": {
"ember-cli-list-view": "0.0.4"
... or just run:
npm install ember-cli-list-view --save-dev && ember generate ember-cli-list-view
Again, see ember-cli-list-view for further information.
Ember CLI is good for you[r Ember project]. This repo may eventually disappear depending on how the Add-on strategy evolves. For now, this repo is at npmjs.org for the benefit of Ember.ListView users.
Licensed under the MIT License
Ember.ListView is also maintained under the MIT License