FlatDB is a lua library that implements a serverless, zero-configuration, NoSQL database engine.
It provides a key-value storage system using plain Lua tables.
When you want to use SQLite to store data, just take a glance at FlatDB.
When Lua acts in your program as the major language or the embedded scripting language, just try using FlatDB.
FlatDB | Disk | Lua |
Database | Directory | Table |
Page | File | Table |
Key-value pair | File content | Key-value pair |
Keys and values can be all Lua types except coroutines, userdata, cdata and C functions.
Copy flatdb.lua file to your project or where your lua libraries stored.
Then write this in any Lua file where you want to use it:
local flatdb = require 'flatdb'
Bind a directory as a database
local db = flatdb('./db')
Open or create a page
if not db.page then db.page = {} end
Store key-value items
db.page.key = 'value' -- equivalent to db.page['key'] = 'value'
Retrieve items
print(db.page.key) -- prints 'value'
Save to file
db:save() -- 'page' will be saved to './db/page'
More usage can be found in the Ledis(an alternative of Redis server using FlatDB).
-- This is an logging system example using FlatDB
local flatdb = require("flatdb")
local logger = flatdb("./log")
local count = 0
local function common_log(logger, level, message)
local today = os.date("%Y-%m-%d")
if logger[today] == nil then logger[today] = {} end
if logger[today][level] == nil then logger[today][level] = {} end
table.insert(logger[today][level], {
timestamp = os.time(),
level = level,
message = message
count = (count+1)%10
if count == 0 then
local levels = {"debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal"}
for _, level in ipairs(levels) do
flatdb.hack[level] = function(logger, msg)
common_log(logger, level, msg)
flatdb.hack.find = function(logger, level, date)
if logger[date or os.date("%Y-%m-%d")] then
return logger[date or os.date("%Y-%m-%d")][level]
for i = 1, 10 do
logger:debug("This is a debug message.")
logger:info("This is an info message.")
logger:warn("This is a warn message.")
logger:error("This is an error message.")
logger:fatal("This is a fatal message.")
local pp = require("pp") -- https://github.com/luapower/pp
flatdb(dir) --> db
Bind a directory as a database, returns nil if 'dir' doesn't exists. Otherwise, it returns a 'db' obeject.
Save all pages or the given page(if specified) contained in db to file. The 'page' argument is a string, the page's name.
When a db is loaded, there is two relations below:
flatdb[dir] --> db
flatdb[db] --> dir
The 'hack' table contains db's methods. There is only one method 'save(db, page)' in it by default. It is usually used to extend db methods.
FlatDB is distributed under the MIT license, like Lua itself.