
ESLint evaluating feature issues

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ESLint Features in Evaluating Build Status

ESLint needs a champion and three supporters from the team in order to accept new features. This page is a summary of feature issues.

Last updated:


  • The 👍 column is the number of upvotes which came from outside of the team. Each table is sorted by this column.
  • The 🕙 column is the time to close the issue based on the When to Close an Issue section.

Accepted (needs to update labels)


Needs supporters

# Title Champ. Supporters Against 👍 🕙
#11512 Investigating translating documentation @nzakas @g-plane @aladdin-add 4 ⌛ 2019-04-05

Total: 1

Needs a champion


Needs a champion and supporters


Needs interest

# Title Champ. Supporters Against 👍 🕙
#18489 feat: Allow ignoring rest sibling variables 0 2024-06-13

Total: 1

Needs consensus


Needs approval in a TSC meeting

# Title Champ. Supporters Against 👍 🕙
#16755 Change Request: Introduce a system to suppress existing errors @nzakas 7 ⌛ 2023-01-27
#14139 Plugin initialization API @btmills 2 ⌛ 2021-03-18

Total: 2

Looks opposed


Looks inactive


Pull requests for closed issue
