
An STM32F4, button interrupt driver written entirely in Assembler.

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STM32F4 Button Interrupt Driver

An STM32F4, button interrupt driver written entirely in Assembler.


 * FILE: main.s
 * This file contains the assembly code for a STM32F401 button interrupt driver utilizing the STM32F401CC6 
 * microcontroller.
 * AUTHOR: Kevin Thomas
 * CREATION DATE: March 9, 2024
 * UPDATE DATE: March 31, 2024
 * 1. arm-none-eabi-as -g main.s -o main.o
 * 2. arm-none-eabi-ld main.o -o main.elf -T STM32F401CCUX_FLASH.ld
 * 3. openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c "program main.elf verify reset exit"
 * 1. arm-none-eabi-as -g main.s -o main.o
 * 2. arm-none-eabi-ld main.o -o main.elf -T STM32F401CCUX_FLASH.ld
 * 3. arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary --strip-all main.elf main.bin
 * 3. openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c "program main.bin 0x08000000 verify reset exit"
 * 1. openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg
 * 2. arm-none-eabi-gdb main.elf
 * 3. target remote :3333
 * 4. monitor reset halt
 * 5. l
 * 1. openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg
 * 2. arm-none-eabi-gdb main.bin
 * 3. target remote :3333
 * 4. monitor reset halt
 * 5. x/8i $pc

.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m4
.fpu softvfp

 * The start address for the .data section defined in linker script.
.word _sdata

 * The end address for the .data section defined in linker script.
.word _edata

 * The start address for the initialization values of the .data section defined in linker script.
.word _sidata

 * The start address for the .bss section defined in linker script.
.word _sbss

 * The end address for the .bss section defined in linker script.
.word _ebss

 * Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler. As they are weak aliases, any function
 * with the same name will override this definition.
.macro weak name
  .global \name
  .weak \name
  .thumb_set \name, Default_Handler
  .word \name

 * Initialize the .isr_vector section. The .isr_vector section contains vector table.
.section .isr_vector, "a"

 * The STM32F401CCUx vector table. Note that the proper constructs must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up
 * at physical address 0x00000000.
.global isr_vector
.type isr_vector, %object
  .word _estack
  .word Reset_Handler
   weak NMI_Handler
   weak HardFault_Handler
   weak MemManage_Handler
   weak BusFault_Handler
   weak UsageFault_Handler
  .word 0
  .word 0
  .word 0
  .word 0
   weak SVC_Handler
   weak DebugMon_Handler
  .word 0
   weak PendSV_Handler
   weak SysTick_Handler
  .word 0
   weak EXTI16_PVD_IRQHandler                              // EXTI Line 16 interrupt PVD through EXTI line detection 
   weak TAMP_STAMP_IRQHandler                              // Tamper and TimeStamp interrupts through the EXTI line
   weak EXTI22_RTC_WKUP_IRQHandler                         // EXTI Line 22 interrupt RTC Wakeup interrupt, EXTI line
   weak FLASH_IRQHandler                                   // FLASH global interrupt
   weak RCC_IRQHandler                                     // RCC global interrupt
   weak EXTI0_IRQHandler                                   // EXTI Line0 interrupt
   weak EXTI1_IRQHandler                                   // EXTI Line1 interrupt
   weak EXTI2_IRQHandler                                   // EXTI Line2 interrupt
   weak EXTI3_IRQHandler                                   // EXTI Line3 interrupt
   weak EXTI4_IRQHandler                                   // EXTI Line4 interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream0_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream1_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream2_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream3_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream4_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream5_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream6_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
   weak ADC_IRQHandler                                     // ADC1 global interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak EXTI9_5_IRQHandler                                 // EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts
   weak TIM1_BRK_TIM9_IRQHandle                            // TIM1 Break interrupt and TIM9 global interrupt
   weak TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler                           // TIM1 Update interrupt and TIM10 global interrupt
   weak TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11_IRQHandler                      // TIM1 T/C interrupts, TIM11 global interrupt
   weak TIM1_CC_IRQHandler                                 // TIM1 Capture Compare interrupt
   weak TIM2_IRQHandler                                    // TIM2 global interrupt
   weak TIM3_IRQHandler                                    // TIM3 global interrupt
   weak TIM4_IRQHandler                                    // TIM4 global interrupt
   weak I2C1_EV_IRQHandler                                 // I2C1 event interrupt
   weak I2C1_ER_IRQHandler                                 // I2C1 error interrupt
   weak I2C2_EV_IRQHandler                                 // I2C2 event interrupt
   weak I2C2_ER_IRQHandler                                 // I2C2 error interrupt
   weak SPI1_IRQHandler                                    // SPI1 global interrupt
   weak SPI2_IRQHandler                                    // SPI2 global interrupt
   weak USART1_IRQHandler                                  // USART1 global interrupt
   weak USART2_IRQHandler                                  // USART2 global interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word EXTI15_10_IRQHandler                               // EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts
   weak EXTI17_RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler                        // EXTI Line 17 interrupt / RTC Alarms (A and B) EXTI
   weak EXTI18_OTG_FS_WKUP_IRQHandler                      // EXTI Line 18 interrupt / USBUSB OTG FS Wakeup EXTI
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak DMA1_Stream7_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak SDIO_IRQHandler                                    // SDIO global interrupt
   weak TIM5_IRQHandler                                    // TIM5 global interrupt
   weak SPI3_IRQHandler                                    // SPI3 global interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak DMA2_Stream0_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream0 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream1_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream1 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream2_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream2 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream3_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream3 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream4_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream4 global interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak OTG_FS_IRQHandler                                  // USB On The Go FS global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream5_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream5 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream6_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream6 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream7_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream7 global interrupt
   weak USART6_IRQHandler                                  // USART6 global interrupt
   weak I2C3_EV_IRQHandler                                 // I2C3 event interrupt
   weak I2C3_ER_IRQHandler                                 // I2C3 error interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak SPI4_IRQHandler                                    // SPI4 global interrupt

 * @brief  This code is called when processor starts execution.
 *         This is the code that gets called when the processor first starts execution following a reset event. We 
 *         first define and init the bss section and then define and init the data section, after which the 
 *         application supplied main routine is called.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
.type Reset_Handler, %function
.global Reset_Handler
  LDR   R4, =_estack                                       // load address at end of the stack into R0
  MOV   SP, R4                                             // move address at end of stack into SP
  LDR   R4, =_sdata                                        // copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  LDR   R5, =_edata                                        // copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  LDR   R6, =_sidata                                       // copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  MOVS  R7, #0                                             // copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  B     .Reset_Handler_Loop_Copy_Data_Init                 // branch
  LDR   R8, [R6, R7]                                       // copy the data segment initializers into registers
  STR   R8, [R4, R7]                                       // copy the data segment initializers into registers
  ADDS  R7, R7, #4                                         // copy the data segment initializers into registers
  ADDS  R8, R4, R7                                         // initialize the data segment
  CMP   R8, R5                                             // initialize the data segment
  BCC   .Reset_Handler_Copy_Data_Init                      // branch if carry is clear
  LDR   R6, =_sbss                                         // copy the bss segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  LDR   R8, =_ebss                                         // copy the bss segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  MOVS  R7, #0                                             // copy the bss segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  B     .Reset_Handler_Loop_Fill_Zero_BSS                  // branch
  STR   R7, [R6]                                           // zero fill the bss segment
  ADDS  R6, R6, #4                                         // zero fill the bss segment
  CMP   R6, R8                                             // zero fill the bss segment
  BCC   .Reset_Handler_Fill_Zero_BSS                       // branch if carry is clear
  BL    main                                               // call function

 * @brief  This code is called when the processor receives and unexpected interrupt.
 *         This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an unexpected interrupt. This simply enters 
 *         an infinite loop, preserving the system state for examination by a debugger.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
.type Default_Handler, %function
.global Default_Handler
  BKPT                                                     // set processor into debug state
  B.N   Default_Handler                                    // call function, force thumb state

 * @brief   This code is called when the interrupt handler for the EXTI lines 15 to 10
 *          is triggered.
 * @details This is the interrupt handler function for EXTI lines 15 to 10. It is
 *          triggered when an interrupt request is received on any of these lines.
 *          The function checks if the interrupt was caused by line 13 (PR13 bit),
 *          and if so, it sets the corresponding bit in the EXTI_PR register to
 *          acknowledge the interrupt. After that, it calls the EXTI_Callback function.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
.section .text.EXTI15_10_IRQHandler
.weak EXTI15_10_IRQHandler
.type EXTI15_10_IRQHandler, %function
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40013C14                                    // load the address of EXTI_PR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside EXTI_PR register
  TST   R5, #(1<<13)                                       // read the PR13 bit, if 0, then BEQ
  BEQ   .PR13_0                                            // branch if equal
  ORR   R5, #(1<<13)                                       // set the PR13 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value inside R1 into R0
  BL    EXTI_Callback                                      // call function
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * Initialize the .text section.
 * The .text section contains executable code.
.section .text

 * @brief  Entry point for initialization and setup of specific functions.
 *         This function is the entry point for initializing and setting up specific functions.
 *         It calls other functions to enable certain features and then enters a loop for further execution.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
.type main, %function
.global main
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  BL    GPIOC_Enable                                       // call function 
  BL    GPIOC_PC13_EXTI_Init                               // call function
  BL    Loop                                               // call function
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enables the GPIOC peripheral by setting the corresponding RCC_AHB1ENR bit.
 * @details This function enables the GPIOC peripheral by setting the corresponding RCC_AHB1ENR bit.  It loads the 
 *          address of the RCC_AHB1ENR register, retrieves the current value of the register, sets the GPIOCEN bit, 
 *          and stores the updated value back into the register.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40023830                                    // load address of RCC_AHB1ENR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside RCC_AHB1ENR register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<2)                                        // set the GPIOCEN bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into RCC_AHB1ENR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Initializes GPIOC PC13 for EXTI interrupt.
 * @details This function configures GPIOC PC13 for EXTI interrupt. It sets the pin's mode
 *          to input and enables the internal pull-up resistor. Additionally, it enables the
 *          EXTI interrupt for PC13, configures SYSCFG_EXTICR4, and sets the corresponding
 *          EXTI and NVIC settings to enable interrupt handling for PC13.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  CPSID I                                                  // disable global interrupts
  LDR   R4, =0x40020800                                    // load address of GPIOC_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R1]                                           // load value inside GPIOC_MODER register
  AND   R5, #~(1<<27)                                      // clear the MODER13 bit
  AND   R5, #~(1<<26)                                      // clear the MODER13 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOC_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x4002080C                                    // load address of GPIOC_PUPDR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOC_PUPDR register
  AND   R5, #~(1<<27)                                      // clear the PUPDR13 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<26)                                       // set the PUPDR13 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOC_PUPDR register
  LDR   R4, =0x40023844                                    // load address of RCC_ABP2ENR
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside RCC_ABP2ENR register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<14)                                       // set SYSCFGEN bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into RCC_APB2ENR register
  LDR   R4, =0x40013814                                    // load address of SYSCFG_EXTICR4
  LDR   R5, [R1]                                           // load value inside SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<5)                                        // set EXTI13 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into SYSCFG_EXTICR4 register
  LDR   R4, =0x40013C00                                    // load address of EXTI_IMR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside EXTI_IMR register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<13)                                       // set MR13 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into EXTI_IMR register
  LDR   R4, =0x40013C0C                                    // load address of EXTI_FTSR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside EXTI_FTSR register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<13)                                       // set TR13 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into EXTI_IMR register
  BL    NVIC_EnableIRQ_EXTI15_10                           // call function
  CPSIE I                                                  // enable global interrupts
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   EXTI callback function for button control.
 * @details This EXTI callback function handles a button press on the main board
 *          of the MCU.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  NOP                                                      // no operation to be a placeholder for practical functionality
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enable NVIC (Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller) for EXTI15_10 interrupts.
 * @details This function enables the NVIC for EXTI15_10 interrupts. It specifically targets
 *          the NVIC_ISER1 register, which controls interrupts 32 to 63, and sets the bit
 *          corresponding to EXTI15_10 (bit 8) to enable the interrupt handling for EXTI lines
 *          15 to 10.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0xE000E104                                    // NVIC_ISER1, p 683 M7 Arch ref manual, ISER1 interrupts 32-63
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside NVIC_ISER1 register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<8)                                        // EXTI15_10 (p 204 Ref Manual), p 210 M4 PM, ISER1 8 = EXTI15_10 
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into R0
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Infinite loop function.
 *         This function implements an infinite loop using an unconditional branch (B) statement.
 *         It is designed to keep the program running indefinitely by branching back to itself.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  B     .                                                  // branch infinite loop

 * Initialize the .rodata section.
 * The .rodata section is used for constants and static strings.
.section .rodata

 * Initialize the .data section.
 * The .data section is used for initialized global or static variables.
.section .data

 * Initialize the .bss section.
 * The .bss section is typically used for uninitialized global or static variables.
.section .bss
