
An STM32F4, RYLR998 LoRa UART driver written entirely in Assembler.

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STM32F4 LoRa UART Driver


An STM32F4, RYLR998 LoRa UART driver written entirely in Assembler.


 * FILE: main.s
 * This file contains the assembly code for a STM32F401 LoRa UART driver utilizing the STM32F401CC6 
 * microcontroller.
 * AUTHOR: Kevin Thomas
 * CREATION DATE: March 15, 2024
 * UPDATE DATE: March 31, 2024
 * 1. arm-none-eabi-as -g main.s -o main.o
 * 2. arm-none-eabi-ld main.o -o main.elf -T STM32F401CCUX_FLASH.ld
 * 3. openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c "program main.elf verify reset exit"
 * 1. arm-none-eabi-as -g main.s -o main.o
 * 2. arm-none-eabi-ld main.o -o main.elf -T STM32F401CCUX_FLASH.ld
 * 3. arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary --strip-all main.elf main.bin
 * 3. openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg -c "program main.bin 0x08000000 verify reset exit"
 * 1. openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg
 * 2. arm-none-eabi-gdb main.elf
 * 3. target remote :3333
 * 4. monitor reset halt
 * 5. l
 * 1. openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f4x.cfg
 * 2. arm-none-eabi-gdb main.bin
 * 3. target remote :3333
 * 4. monitor reset halt
 * 5. x/8i $pc

.syntax unified
.cpu cortex-m4
.fpu softvfp

 * The start address for the .data section defined in linker script.
.word _sdata

 * The end address for the .data section defined in linker script.
.word _edata

 * The start address for the initialization values of the .data section defined in linker script.
.word _sidata

 * The start address for the .bss section defined in linker script.
.word _sbss

 * The end address for the .bss section defined in linker script.
.word _ebss

 * Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler. As they are weak aliases, any function
 * with the same name will override this definition.
.macro weak name
  .global \name
  .weak \name
  .thumb_set \name, Default_Handler
  .word \name

 * Initialize the .isr_vector section. The .isr_vector section contains vector table.
.section .isr_vector, "a"

 * The STM32F401CCUx vector table. Note that the proper constructs must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up
 * at physical address 0x00000000.
.global isr_vector
.type isr_vector, %object
  .word _estack
  .word Reset_Handler
   weak NMI_Handler
   weak HardFault_Handler
   weak MemManage_Handler
   weak BusFault_Handler
   weak UsageFault_Handler
  .word 0
  .word 0
  .word 0
  .word 0
   weak SVC_Handler
   weak DebugMon_Handler
  .word 0
   weak PendSV_Handler
   weak SysTick_Handler
  .word 0
   weak EXTI16_PVD_IRQHandler                              // EXTI Line 16 interrupt PVD through EXTI line detection 
   weak TAMP_STAMP_IRQHandler                              // Tamper and TimeStamp interrupts through the EXTI line
   weak EXTI22_RTC_WKUP_IRQHandler                         // EXTI Line 22 interrupt RTC Wakeup interrupt, EXTI line
   weak FLASH_IRQHandler                                   // FLASH global interrupt
   weak RCC_IRQHandler                                     // RCC global interrupt
   weak EXTI0_IRQHandler                                   // EXTI Line0 interrupt
   weak EXTI1_IRQHandler                                   // EXTI Line1 interrupt
   weak EXTI2_IRQHandler                                   // EXTI Line2 interrupt
   weak EXTI3_IRQHandler                                   // EXTI Line3 interrupt
   weak EXTI4_IRQHandler                                   // EXTI Line4 interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream0_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream1_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream2_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream3_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream4_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream5_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
   weak DMA1_Stream6_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
   weak ADC_IRQHandler                                     // ADC1 global interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak EXTI9_5_IRQHandler                                 // EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts
   weak TIM1_BRK_TIM9_IRQHandle                            // TIM1 Break interrupt and TIM9 global interrupt
   weak TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler                           // TIM1 Update interrupt and TIM10 global interrupt
   weak TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11_IRQHandler                      // TIM1 T/C interrupts, TIM11 global interrupt
   weak TIM1_CC_IRQHandler                                 // TIM1 Capture Compare interrupt
   weak TIM2_IRQHandler                                    // TIM2 global interrupt
   weak TIM3_IRQHandler                                    // TIM3 global interrupt
   weak TIM4_IRQHandler                                    // TIM4 global interrupt
   weak I2C1_EV_IRQHandler                                 // I2C1 event interrupt
   weak I2C1_ER_IRQHandler                                 // I2C1 error interrupt
   weak I2C2_EV_IRQHandler                                 // I2C2 event interrupt
   weak I2C2_ER_IRQHandler                                 // I2C2 error interrupt
   weak SPI1_IRQHandler                                    // SPI1 global interrupt
   weak SPI2_IRQHandler                                    // SPI2 global interrupt
   weak USART1_IRQHandler                                  // USART1 global interrupt
   weak USART2_IRQHandler                                  // USART2 global interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak EXTI15_10_IRQHandler                               // EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts
   weak EXTI17_RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler                        // EXTI Line 17 interrupt / RTC Alarms (A and B) EXTI
   weak EXTI18_OTG_FS_WKUP_IRQHandler                      // EXTI Line 18 interrupt / USBUSB OTG FS Wakeup EXTI
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak DMA1_Stream7_IRQHandler                            // DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak SDIO_IRQHandler                                    // SDIO global interrupt
   weak TIM5_IRQHandler                                    // TIM5 global interrupt
   weak SPI3_IRQHandler                                    // SPI3 global interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak DMA2_Stream0_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream0 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream1_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream1 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream2_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream2 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream3_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream3 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream4_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream4 global interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak OTG_FS_IRQHandler                                  // USB On The Go FS global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream5_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream5 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream6_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream6 global interrupt
   weak DMA2_Stream7_IRQHandler                            // DMA2 Stream7 global interrupt
   weak USART6_IRQHandler                                  // USART6 global interrupt
   weak I2C3_EV_IRQHandler                                 // I2C3 event interrupt
   weak I2C3_ER_IRQHandler                                 // I2C3 error interrupt
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
  .word 0                                                  // reserved
   weak SPI4_IRQHandler                                    // SPI4 global interrupt

 * @brief  This code is called when processor starts execution.
 *         This is the code that gets called when the processor first starts execution following a reset event. We 
 *         first define and init the bss section and then define and init the data section, after which the 
 *         application supplied main routine is called.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
.type Reset_Handler, %function
.global Reset_Handler
  LDR   R4, =_estack                                       // load address at end of the stack into R0
  MOV   SP, R4                                             // move address at end of stack into SP
  LDR   R4, =_sdata                                        // copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  LDR   R5, =_edata                                        // copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  LDR   R6, =_sidata                                       // copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  MOVS  R7, #0                                             // copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  B     .Reset_Handler_Loop_Copy_Data_Init                 // branch
  LDR   R8, [R6, R7]                                       // copy the data segment initializers into registers
  STR   R8, [R4, R7]                                       // copy the data segment initializers into registers
  ADDS  R7, R7, #4                                         // copy the data segment initializers into registers
  ADDS  R8, R4, R7                                         // initialize the data segment
  CMP   R8, R5                                             // initialize the data segment
  BCC   .Reset_Handler_Copy_Data_Init                      // branch if carry is clear
  LDR   R6, =_sbss                                         // copy the bss segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  LDR   R8, =_ebss                                         // copy the bss segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  MOVS  R7, #0                                             // copy the bss segment initializers from flash to SRAM
  B     .Reset_Handler_Loop_Fill_Zero_BSS                  // branch
  STR   R7, [R6]                                           // zero fill the bss segment
  ADDS  R6, R6, #4                                         // zero fill the bss segment
  CMP   R6, R8                                             // zero fill the bss segment
  BCC   .Reset_Handler_Fill_Zero_BSS                       // branch if carry is clear
  BL    main                                               // call function

 * @brief  This code is called when the processor receives and unexpected interrupt.
 *         This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an unexpected interrupt. This simply enters 
 *         an infinite loop, preserving the system state for examination by a debugger.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
.type Default_Handler, %function
.global Default_Handler
  BKPT                                                     // set processor into debug state
  B.N   Default_Handler                                    // call function, force thumb state

 * Initialize the .text section. The .text section contains executable code.
.section .text

 * @brief  Entry point for initialization and setup of specific functions and main routine.
 *         This function is the entry point for initializing and setting up specific functions. It calls other 
 *         functions to enable certain features and then enters a loop for further execution.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
.type main, %function
.global main
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  BL    GPIOA_Enable                                       // call function
  BL    GPIOB_Enable                                       // call function
  BL    GPIOC_Enable                                       // call function
  BL    I2C1_Enable                                        // call function
  BL    GPIOA_PA2_Alt_Function_Mode_Enable                 // call function
  BL    GPIOA_PA3_Alt_Function_Mode_Enable                 // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB8_Alt_Function_Mode_Enable                 // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB8_Open_Drain_Enable                        // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB9_Alt_Function_Mode_Enable                 // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB9_Open_Drain_Enable                        // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB0_Input_Enable                             // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB1_Input_Enable                             // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB2_Input_Enable                             // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB3_Input_Enable                             // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB4_Input_Enable                             // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB5_Input_Enable                             // call function
  BL    I2C1_Init                                          // call function
  BL    SSD1306_Init                                       // call function
  BL    SSD1306_Turn_On_Display                            // call function
  BL    USART2_Enable                                      // call function
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Enable                             // call function
  BL    USART2_Receive_Enable                              // call function
  //BL    LoRa_Setup                                       // call function
  BL    Loop                                               // call function
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enables the GPIOA peripheral by setting the corresponding RCC_AHB1ENR bit.
 * @details This function enables the GPIOA peripheral by setting the corresponding RCC_AHB1ENR bit. It loads the 
 *          address of the RCC_AHB1ENR register, retrieves the current value of the register, sets the GPIOAEN bit, 
 *          and stores the updated value back into the register.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40023830                                    // load address of RCC_AHB1ENR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside RCC_AHB1ENR register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<0)                                        // set the GPIOAEN bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into RCC_AHB1ENR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enables the GPIOB peripheral by setting the corresponding RCC_AHB1ENR bit.
 * @details This function enables the GPIOB peripheral by setting the corresponding RCC_AHB1ENR bit. It loads the 
 *          address of the RCC_AHB1ENR register, retrieves the current value of the register, sets the GPIOBEN bit, 
 *          and stores the updated value back into the register.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40023830                                    // load address of RCC_AHB1ENR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside RCC_AHB1ENR register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<1)                                        // set the GPIOBEN bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into RCC_AHB1ENR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enables the GPIOC peripheral by setting the corresponding RCC_AHB1ENR bit.
 * @details This function enables the GPIOC peripheral by setting the corresponding RCC_AHB1ENR bit.  It loads the 
 *          address of the RCC_AHB1ENR register, retrieves the current value of the register, sets the GPIOCEN bit, 
 *          and stores the updated value back into the register.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40023830                                    // load address of RCC_AHB1ENR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside RCC_AHB1ENR register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<2)                                        // set the GPIOCEN bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into RCC_AHB1ENR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Configures GPIOA pin 2 to operate in alternate function mode.
 * @details This function configures GPIOA pin 2 to operate in alternate function mode. It modifies the GPIOA_MODER 
 *          and GPIOA_AFRL registers to set the necessary bits for alternate function mode on pin 2. The MODER2 bit 
 *          is set to select alternate function mode, and the AFRL2 bits are set to specify the desired alternate 
 *          function.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020000                                    // load address of GPIOA_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOA_MODER register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<5)                                        // set the MODER2 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<4)                                        // clear the MODER2 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOA_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x40020020                                    // load address of GPIOA_AFRL register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOA_AFRL register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<11)                                       // clear the AFRL2 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<10)                                       // set the AFRL2 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<9)                                        // set the AFRL2 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<8)                                        // set the AFRL2 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOA_AFRL register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12 , LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Configures GPIOA pin 3 to operate in alternate function mode.
 * @details This function configures GPIOA pin 3 to operate in alternate function mode. It modifies the GPIOA_MODER 
 *          and GPIOA_AFRL registers to set the necessary bits for alternate function mode on pin 3. The MODER3 bit 
 *          is set to select alternate function mode, and the AFRL3 bits are set to specify the desired alternate
 *          function.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020000                                    // load address of GPIOA_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOA_MODER register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<7)                                        // set the MODER3 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<6)                                        // clear the MODER3 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOA_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x40020020                                    // load address of GPIOA_AFRL register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOA_AFRL register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<15)                                       // clear the AFRL3 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<14)                                       // set the AFRL3 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<13)                                       // set the AFRL3 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<12)                                       // set the AFRL3 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOA_AFRL register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enables Alternative Function Mode on GPIOB Pin 8.
 * @details This assembly function enables the Alternative Function Mode on GPIOB Pin 8 by configuring the 
 *          corresponding bits in the GPIOB_MODER and GPIOB_AFRH registers. It sets the pin to Alternative Function 
 *          Mode and configures the specific alternative function for Pin 8.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020400                                    // load address of GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_MODER register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<17)                                       // set the MODER8 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<16)                                       // clear the MODER8 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x40020424                                    // load address of GPIOB_AFRH register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_AFRH register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<3)                                        // clear the AFRH8 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<2)                                        // set the AFRH8 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<1)                                        // clear the AFRH8 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<0)                                        // clear the AFRH8 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_AFRH register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enables Open Drain Mode on GPIOB Pin 8.
 * @details This assembly function enables Open Drain Mode on GPIOB Pin 8 by setting the corresponding bit in the 
 *          GPIOB_OTYPER register.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020404                                    // load address of GPIOB_OTYPER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_OTYPER register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<8)                                        // set the OT8 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_OTYPER register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enables Alternative Function Mode on GPIOB Pin 9.
 * @details This assembly function enables the Alternative Function Mode on GPIOB Pin 9 by configuring the 
 *          corresponding bits in the GPIOB_MODER and GPIOB_AFRH registers. It sets the pin to Alternative Function 
 *          Mode and configures the specific alternative function for Pin 9.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020400                                    // load address of GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_MODER register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<19)                                       // set the MODER9 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<18)                                       // clear the MODER9 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x40020424                                    // load address of GPIOB_AFRH register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_AFRH register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<7)                                        // clear the AFRH9 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<6)                                        // set the AFRH9 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<5)                                        // clear the AFRH9 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<4)                                        // clear the AFRH9 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_AFRH register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enables Open Drain Mode on GPIOB Pin 9.
 * @details This assembly function enables Open Drain Mode on GPIOB Pin 9 by setting the corresponding bit in the 
 *          GPIOB_OTYPER register.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020404                                    // load address of GPIOB_OTYPER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_OTYPER register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<9)                                        // set the OT9 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_OTYPER register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Configures GPIOB pin 0 to operate in input mode.
 * @details This function configures GPIOB pin 0 to operate in input mode. It modifies the GPIOB_MODER register to 
 *          set the necessary bits for input mode on pin 0. The MODER0 bit is set to input mode.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020400                                    // load address of GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_MODER register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<1)                                        // clear the MODER0 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<0)                                        // clear the MODER0 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x4002040C                                    // load address of GPIOB_PUPDR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_PUPDR register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<1)                                        // clear the PUPDR0 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<0)                                        // set the PUPDR0 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_PUPDR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Configures GPIOB pin 1 to operate in input mode.
 * @details This function configures GPIOB pin 1 to operate in input mode. It modifies the GPIOB_MODER register to 
 *          set the necessary bits for input mode on pin 1. The MODER1 bit is set to input mode.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020400                                    // load address of GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_MODER register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<3)                                        // clear the MODER1 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<2)                                        // clear the MODER1 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x4002040C                                    // load address of GPIOB_PUPDR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_PUPDR register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<3)                                        // clear the PUPDR1 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<2)                                        // set the PUPDR1 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_PUPDR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Configures GPIOB pin 2 to operate in input mode.
 * @details This function configures GPIOB pin 2 to operate in input mode. It modifies the GPIOB_MODER register to 
 *          set the necessary bits for input mode on pin 2. The MODER2 bit is set to input mode.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020400                                    // load address of GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_MODER register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<5)                                        // clear the MODER2 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<4)                                        // clear the MODER2 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x4002040C                                    // load address of GPIOB_PUPDR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_PUPDR register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<5)                                        // clear the PUPDR2 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<4)                                        // set the PUPDR2 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_PUPDR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Configures GPIOB pin 3 to operate in input mode.
 * @details This function configures GPIOB pin 3 to operate in input mode. It modifies the GPIOB_MODER register to 
 *          set the necessary bits for input mode on pin 3. The MODER3 bit is set to input mode.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020400                                    // load address of GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_MODER register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<7)                                        // clear the MODER3 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<6)                                        // clear the MODER3 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x4002040C                                    // load address of GPIOB_PUPDR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_PUPDR register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<7)                                        // clear the PUPDR3 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<6)                                        // set the PUPDR3 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_PUPDR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Configures GPIOB pin 4 to operate in input mode.
 * @details This function configures GPIOB pin 4 to operate in input mode. It modifies the GPIOB_MODER register to 
 *          set the necessary bits for input mode on pin 4. The MODER4 bit is set to input mode.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020400                                    // load address of GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_MODER register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<9)                                        // clear the MODER4 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<8)                                        // clear the MODER4 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x4002040C                                    // load address of GPIOB_PUPDR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_PUPDR register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<9)                                        // clear the PUPDR4 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<8)                                        // set the PUPDR4 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_PUPDR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Configures GPIOB pin 5 to operate in input mode.
 * @details This function configures GPIOB pin 5 to operate in input mode. It modifies the GPIOB_MODER register to 
 *          set the necessary bits for input mode on pin 5. The MODER5 bit is set to input mode.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020400                                    // load address of GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_MODER register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<11)                                       // clear the MODER5 bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<10)                                       // clear the MODER5 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_MODER register
  LDR   R4, =0x4002040C                                    // load address of GPIOB_PUPDR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_PUPDR register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<11)                                       // clear the PUPDR5 bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<10)                                       // set the PUPDR5 bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into GPIOB_PUPDR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enables USART2 peripheral and configures its settings for communication using an interrupt.
 * @details This function enables the USART2 peripheral by setting the corresponding RCC_APB1ENR bit.  It also 
 *          configures the USART2 settings, including the baud rate and control register settings.  The USART2_BRR 
 *          register is set to achieve a baud rate of 9600, and the USART2_CR1 register is modified to enable USART2
 *          (UE bit) and receive interrupt (RXNEIE bit) and enable transmission (TE bit) and enable receive (RE bit).
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40023840                                    // load address of RCC_APB1ENR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside RCC_APB1ENR register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<17)                                       // set the USART2EN bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into RCC_AHB1ENR register
  LDR   R4, =0x40004408                                    // load address of USART2_BRR register 
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside USART2_BRR register
  MOV   R5, #0x683                                         // set register to 9600 baud
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into USART2_BRR register
  LDR   R4, =0x4000440C                                    // load address of USART2_CR1 register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside USART2_CR1 register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<13)                                       // set the UE bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into USART2_CR1 register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Sends a single character over USART2.
 * @details This function sends a single character over USART2 by writing it to the USART2_DR register.  It first 
 *          checks if the transmit buffer is empty (TXE bit) in the USART2_SR register.  If the buffer is not empty, 
 *          it waits until it becomes empty before writing the character to USART_DR.
 * @param   R0: The character to be sent over USART2.
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  MOV   R4, R0                                             // copy first arg into R4
  LDR   R5, =0x40004400                                    // load address of USART2_SR register
  LDR   R6, [R5]                                           // load value inside USART2_SR register
  AND   R6, #(1<<7)                                        // read TXE bit
  CMP   R6, #0x00                                          // test TX FIFO is not full
  BEQ   .USART2_Transmit_Character_Loop                    // branch if equal
  LDR   R5, =0x40004404                                    // load value inside USART2_DR register
  STR   R4, [R5]                                           // store value into USART2_DR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Receives a character over USART2.
 * @details This function receives a character over USART2 by reading the USART2_DR register. The received character
 *          is then returned.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  R0: The received character over USART2.
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40004400                                    // load address of USART2_SR register
  BL    GPIOB_PB5_Read_Value                               // call function
  CMP   R0, #0x20                                          // check if button is pressed
  BNE   .USART2_Receive_Character_Exit                     // branch if not equal
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside USART_SR register
  AND   R5, #(1<<5)                                        // read the RXNE bit, if RXNE is 0, data is not recv
  CMP   R5, #0                                             // cmp RXNE bit to 0 
  BEQ   .USART2_Receive_Character_Loop                     // branch if equal
  LDR   R4, =0x40004404                                    // load value inside USART2_DR register
  LDRB  R0, [R4]                                           // load byte inside USART2_DR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Clear USART2 buffer.
 *         This function clears the receive buffer of USART2 by reading the data register (USART2_DR)
 *         and discarding its content.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40004400                                    // load address of USART2_SR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside USART_SR register
  LDR   R4, =0x40004404                                    // load value inside USART2_DR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load byte inside USART2_DR register          
  MOV   R5, #0                                             // move zero into R5
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into USART2_DR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Enables I2C1 Peripheral.
 * @details This assembly function enables the I2C1 peripheral by setting the corresponding bit in the RCC_APB1ENR
 *          register. It loads the address of the RCC_APB1ENR register, retrieves the current value of the register,
 *          sets the I2C1EN bit, and stores the updated value back into the register.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40023840                                    // load address of RCC_APB1ENR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside RCC_APB1ENR register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<21)                                       // set the I2C1EN bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into RCC_APB1ENR register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Initializes and enables the I2C1 peripheral.
 * @details This assembly function initializes and enables the I2C1 peripheral by configuring the relevant bits in
 *          the I2C1_CR1, I2C1_CR2, I2C1_CCR, and I2C1_TRISE registers. It performs a software reset, sets the 
 *          frequency and duty cycle, configures the clock control register, sets the rise time, and finally, enables
 *          the I2C1 peripheral.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40005400                                    // load address of I2C1_CR1 register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside I2C1_CR1 register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<15)                                       // set the SWRST bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into I2C1_CR1 register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<15)                                       // clear the SWRST bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into I2C1_CR1 register
  LDR   R4, =0x40005404                                    // load address of I2C1_CR2 register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside I2C1_CR2 register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<5)                                        // set the FREQ bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<4)                                        // set the FREQ bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<3)                                        // clear the FREQ bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<2)                                        // clear the FREQ bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<1)                                        // set the FREQ bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<0)                                        // clear the FREQ bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into I2C1_CR2 register
  LDR   R4, =0x4000541C                                    // load address of I2C1_CCR register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside I2C1_CCR register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<15)                                       // set the F/S bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<14)                                       // set the DUTY bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<1)                                        // set the CCR bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into I2C1_CCR register
  LDR   R4, =0x40005420                                    // load address of I2C1_TRISE register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside I2C1_TRISE register
  BIC   R5, #(1<<5)                                        // clear the TRISE bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<4)                                        // set the TRISE bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<3)                                        // clear the TRISE bit
  ORR   R5, #(1<<2)                                        // set the TRISE bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<1)                                        // clear the TRISE bit
  BIC   R5, #(1<<0)                                        // clear the TRISE bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into I2C1_TRISE register
  LDR   R4, =0x40005400                                    // load address of I2C1_CR1 register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside I2C1_CR1 register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<0)                                        // set the PE bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into I2C1_CR1 register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Initializes the SSD1306 OLED Display.
 * @details This assembly function initializes the SSD1306 OLED display by configuring the I2C communication 
 *          parameters and sending the necessary commands to set up the display parameters.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0x20                                          // set memory addressing mode, page addressing mode
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0xB0                                          // set page start address for page addressing mode (0-7 pages)
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0xA1                                          // set segment re-map, col addr 127 mapped to SEG0
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0xC8                                          // set COM output scan direction, remapped
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0x00                                          // set lower col start addr for page addr mode
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0x10                                          // set higher col start addr for page addr mode
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0xD5                                          // set display clock
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0xF0                                          // divide ratio/oscillator freq
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0x12                                          // set COM pins hardware config
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode 
  MOV   R2, #0xDB                                          // set VCOMH deselect level
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0x20                                          // 0.77 VCC
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0x8D                                          // charge pump setting
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0x14                                          // enable charge pump
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  BL    SSD1306_Clear_Screen                               // call function
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Turns on the SSD1306 OLED Display.
 * @details This assembly function turns on the SSD1306 OLED display by sending the necessary command through I2C 
 *          communication to set the display panel to an active state.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0xAF                                          // set display on
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Turns off the SSD1306 OLED Display.
 * @details This assembly function turns off the SSD1306 OLED display by sending the necessary command through I2C
 *          communication to set the display panel to an inactive state.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, #0xAE                                          // set display off
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Sets the cursor position on the SSD1306 OLED Display.
 * @details This assembly function sets the cursor position on the SSD1306 OLED display by sending the necessary 
 *          commands through I2C communication. It specifies the lower and higher column start addresses along with
 *          the page start address to define the cursor position.
 * @param   R0: Lower column start address.
 * @param   R1: Higher column start address.
 * @param   R2: Page start address.
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  MOV   R4, R0                                             // copy first arg into R4
  MOV   R5, R1                                             // copy second arg into R5
  MOV   R6, R2                                             // copy third arg into R6 
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, R4                                             // lower col start addr
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // command mode
  MOV   R2, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x00                                          // memory addr
  MOV   R2, R6                                             // page start addr
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Clears the screen of the SSD1306 OLED Display.
 * @details This assembly function clears the entire screen of the SSD1306 OLED display by sending the necessary 
 *          commands and data through I2C communication. It utilizes the SSD1306_Set_Cursor function to position the 
 *          cursor at the beginning of the display and then writes data to fill the screen with zeros.
 * @param   None
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, #0x10                                          // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, #0xB0                                          // page start addr
  BL    SSD1306_Set_Cursor                                 // call function
  MOV   R3, #0x00                                          // set counter
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x40                                          // data mode
  MOV   R2, #0                                             // data
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  ADD   R3, #0x1                                           // increment counter
  CMP   R3, #0x480                                         // cmp if 0x480
  BNE   .SSD1306_Clear_Screen_Loop                         // branch not equal
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Displays a letter (character array) on the SSD1306 OLED Display.
 * @details This assembly function displays a letter (character array) on the SSD1306 OLED display by utilizing the 
 *          SSD1306_Set_Cursor function to position the cursor and then writing the letter data to the display memory
 *          through I2C communication. The function also calls the SSD1306_Turn_On_Display function to ensure the 
 *          display is active.
 * @param   R0: Lower column start address.
 * @param   R1: Higher column start address.
 * @param   R2: Page start address.
 * @param   R3: Address of the character array to be displayed.
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  MOV   R4, R0                                             // copy first arg into R4
  MOV   R5, R1                                             // copy second arg into R5
  MOV   R6, R2                                             // copy third arg into R6
  MOV   R7, R3                                             // copy fourth arg into R7
  BL    SSD1306_Set_Cursor                                 // call function
  MOV   R8, #0                                             // set counter
  MOV   R0, #0x3C                                          // SSD1306 I2C addr
  MOV   R1, #0x40                                          // data mode
  LDRB  R2, [R7, R8]                                       // load byte at addr in R7 and inc by counter
  BL    I2C_Write_Byte                                     // call function
  ADDS  R8, #1                                             // increment counter
  CMP   R8, #6                                             // compare if end of array
  BNE   .SSD1306_Display_Letter_Loop                       // branch if not equal
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief   Writes a byte to the I2C device.
 * @details This assembly function writes a byte to the I2C device. It waits for the device to be ready and sends the
 *          data byte using I2C communication.
 * @param   R0: I2C device address.
 * @param   R1: I2C data mode (0x00 for command, 0x40 for data).
 * @param   R2: Byte of data to be sent.
 * @retval  None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  MOV   R4, R0                                             // copy first arg into R4
  MOV   R5, R1                                             // copy second arg into R5
  MOV   R6, R2                                             // copy third arg into R6
  LDR   R7, =0x40005418                                    // load address of I2C1_SR2 register
  LDR   R8, [R7]                                           // load value inside I2C1_SR2 register
  TST   R8, #(1<<1)                                        // read the BUSY bit, if 0, then BNE
  BNE   .I2C_Wait_Not_Busy                                 // branch if not equal
  LDR   R7, =0x40005400                                    // load address of I2C1_CR1 register
  LDR   R8, [R7]                                           // load value inside I2C1_CR1 register
  ORR   R8, #(1<<8)                                        // set the START bit
  ORR   R8, #(1<<0)                                        // set the PE bit
  STR   R8, [R7]                                           // store value into I2C1_CR1 register
  LDR   R7, =0x40005414                                    // load address of I2C1_SR1 register
  LDR   R8, [R7]                                           // load value inside I2C1_SR1 register
  TST   R8, #(1<<0)                                        // read the SB bit, if 1, then BEQ
  BEQ   .I2C_Wait_Start                                    // branch if equal
  LDR   R7, =0x40005410                                    // load address of I2C1_DR register
  LSL   R4, #1                                             // left shift to make room for the rw bit
  STR   R4, [R7]                                           // store value into I2C1_DR register
  LDR   R7, =0x40005414                                    // load address of I2C1_SR1 register
  LDR   R8, [R7]                                           // load value inside I2C1_SR1 register
  LDR   R7, =0x40005414                                    // load address of I2C1_SR1 register
  LDR   R8, [R7]                                           // load value inside I2C1_SR1 register
  TST   R8, #(1<<1)                                        // read the ADDR bit, if 1, then BEQ
  BEQ   .I2C_Wait_Addr_Flag                                // branch if equal
  LDR   R7, =0x40005418                                    // load address of I2C1_SR2 register
  LDR   R8, [R7]                                           // load value inside I2C1_SR2 register
  STR   R8, [R7]                                           // store value into I2C1_SR2 register
  LDR   R7, =0x40005414                                    // load address of I2C1_SR1 register
  LDR   R8, [R7]                                           // load value inside I2C1_SR1 register
  TST   R8, #(1<<7)                                        // read the TxE bit, if 0, then BEQ
  BEQ   .I2C_Wait_Data_Empty_Send_Mem_Addr                 // branch if equal
  LDR   R7, =0x40005410                                    // load address of I2C1_DR register
  STR   R5, [R7]                                           // store value into I2C1_DR register
  LDR   R7, =0x40005414                                    // load address of I2C1_SR1 register
  LDR   R8, [R7]                                           // load value inside I2C1_SR1 register
  TST   R8, #(1<<7)                                        // read the TxE bit, if 1, then BNE
  BEQ   .I2C_Wait_Data_Empty_Send_Data                     // branch if equal
  LDR   R7, =0x40005410                                    // load address of I2C1_DR register
  STR   R6, [R7]                                           // store value into I2C1_DR register
  LDR   R7, =0x40005414                                    // load address of I2C1_SR1 register
  LDR   R8, [R7]                                           // load value inside I2C1_SR1 register
  TST   R8, #(1<<2)                                        // read the BTF bit, if 0, then BEQ
  BEQ   .I2C_Wait_Data_Transfer_Finished                   // branch if equal
  LDR   R7, =0x40005400                                    // load address of I2C1_CR1 register
  LDR   R8, [R7]                                           // load value inside I2C1_CR1 register
  ORR   R8, #(1<<9)                                        // set the STOP bit
  ORR   R8, #(1<<0)                                        // set the PE bit
  STR   R8, [R7]                                           // store value into I2C1_CR1 register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Read the value of pin PB0.
 *         This function reads the value of pin PB0 (GPIO pin 0 of GPIO port B).
 * @param  None
 * @retval uint32_t Value of pin PB0 (0 or 1)
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020410                                    // load address of GPIOB_IDR register
  LDR   R0, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_IDR register
  AND   R0, #(1<<0)                                        // read the IDR0 bit
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Read the value of pin PB1.
 *         This function reads the value of pin PB1 (GPIO pin 1 of GPIO port B).
 * @param  None
 * @retval uint32_t Value of pin PB1 (0 or 1)
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020410                                    // load address of GPIOB_IDR register
  LDR   R0, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_IDR register
  AND   R0, #(1<<1)                                        // read the IDR1 bit
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Read the value of pin PB2.
 *         This function reads the value of pin PB2 (GPIO pin 2 of GPIO port B).
 * @param  None
 * @retval uint32_t Value of pin PB2 (0 or 1)
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020410                                    // load address of GPIOB_IDR register
  LDR   R0, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_IDR register
  AND   R0, #(1<<2)                                        // read the IDR2 bit
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Read the value of pin PB3.
 *         This function reads the value of pin PB3 (GPIO pin 3 of GPIO port B).
 * @param  None
 * @retval uint32_t Value of pin PB3 (0 or 1)
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020410                                    // load address of GPIOB_IDR register
  LDR   R0, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_IDR register
  AND   R0, #(1<<3)                                        // read the IDR3 bit
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Read the value of pin PB4.
 *         This function reads the value of pin PB4 (GPIO pin 4 of GPIO port B).
 * @param  None
 * @retval uint32_t Value of pin PB4 (0 or 1)
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020410                                    // load address of GPIOB_IDR register
  LDR   R0, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_IDR register
  AND   R0, #(1<<4)                                        // read the IDR4 bit
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Read the value of pin PB5.
 *         This function reads the value of pin PB5 (GPIO pin 5 of GPIO port B).
 * @param  None
 * @retval uint32_t Value of pin PB5 (0 or 1)
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x40020410                                    // load address of GPIOB_IDR register
  LDR   R0, [R4]                                           // load value inside GPIOB_IDR register
  AND   R0, #(1<<5)                                        // read the IDR5 bit
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Enable USART2 transmission.
 *         This function enables transmission on USART2 by setting the TE bit in the USART2_CR1 register
 *         and clearing the RE bit to disable reception.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x4000440C                                    // load address of USART2_CR1 register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside USART2_CR1 register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<3)                                        // set the TE bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into USART2_CR1 register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Enable USART2 reception.
 *         This function enables reception on USART2 by setting the RE bit in the USART2_CR1 register
 *         and clearing the TE bit to disable transmission.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =0x4000440C                                    // load address of USART2_CR1 register
  LDR   R5, [R4]                                           // load value inside USART2_CR1 register
  ORR   R5, #(1<<2)                                        // set the RE bit
  STR   R5, [R4]                                           // store value into USART2_CR1 register
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Delay for approximately 30 microseconds.
 *         This function creates a delay of approximately 30 microseconds.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack 
  MOV   R4, #7                                             // number of loops
  MOV   R5, #0xFFFF                                        // set initial delay count
  SUB   R5, #1                                             // decrement delay count
  CMP   R5, #0                                             // check if delay count reached zero
  BNE   .Thirty_Microsecond_Delay_Inner_Loop               // continue loop if delay count not reached zero
  SUB   R4, #1                                             // decrement loop counter
  CMP   R4, #0                                             // check if delay count reached zero
  BNE   .Thirty_Microsecond_Delay_Outer_Loop               // continue outer loop if more loops to go
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Menu selection loop.
 *         This function continuously checks for button inputs to perform menu actions.
 *         If GPIOB_PB0 is pressed, it generates a message.
 *         If GPIOB_PB1 is pressed, it receives, parses, and displays a message.
 *         After each action, the function clears the screen and returns to the menu loop.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, #0x11                                          // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, #0xB0                                          // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_M                                      // load the address of array M
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, #0x12                                          // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, #0xB0                                          // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_E                                      // load the address of array E
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, #0x13                                          // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, #0xB0                                          // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_N                                      // load the address of array N
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, #0x14                                          // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, #0xB0                                          // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_U                                      // load the address of array U
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, #0x11                                          // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, #0xB3                                          // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_T                                      // load the address of array T
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, #0x12                                          // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, #0xB3                                          // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_X                                      // load the address of array X
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, #0x11                                          // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, #0xB5                                          // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_R                                      // load the address of array R
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, #0x12                                          // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, #0xB5                                          // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_X                                      // load the address of array X
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB0_Read_Value                               // call function
  CMP   R0, #0x1                                           // check if button is pressed
  BNE   .Menu_Select_GPIOB_PB0_Button_Pressed              // branch if not equal
  BL    GPIOB_PB1_Read_Value                               // call function
  CMP   R0, #0x2                                           // check if button is pressed
  BNE   .Menu_Select_GPIOB_PB1_Button_Pressed              // branch if not equal
  B     .Menu_Select                                       // call function
  BL    SSD1306_Clear_Screen                               // call function
  BL    Generate_Message                                   // call function
  B     .Menu_Exit                                         // branch
  BL    SSD1306_Clear_Screen                               // call function
  BL    Receive_Message                                    // call function
  BL    Parse_Message                                      // call function
  BL    Display_Message                                    // call function
  B     .Menu_Exit                                         // branch
  BL    SSD1306_Clear_Screen                               // call function
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Generate a message based on button inputs.
 *         This function generates a message based on button inputs and sends it through USART2.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  BL    USART2_Clear_Buffer                                // call function
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  MOV   R4, #0                                             // set array index to zero
  MOV   R5, #0x11                                          // higher col start addr
  LDR   R6, =LETTERS_ARRAY                                 // load the address of array
  MOV   R7, #0                                             // set array pointer
  LDR   R8, =message_transmit_array                        // load addr of message array
  MOV   R9, #0                                             // set current char
  MOV   R10, #0x11                                         // set left of screen
  MOV   R11, #0x15                                         // set right of screen
  MOV   R12, #0xB0                                         // page start addr
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  BL    GPIOB_PB0_Read_Value                               // call function
  CMP   R0, #0x1                                           // check if button is pressed
  BNE   .Generate_Message_GPIOB_PB0_Button_Pressed         // branch if not equal
  BL    GPIOB_PB1_Read_Value                               // call function
  CMP   R0, #0x2                                           // check if button is pressed
  BNE   .Generate_Message_GPIOB_PB1_Button_Pressed         // branch if not equal
  BL    GPIOB_PB2_Read_Value                               // call function
  CMP   R0, #0x4                                           // check if button is pressed
  BNE   .Generate_Message_GPIOB_PB2_Button_Pressed         // branch if not equal
  BL    GPIOB_PB3_Read_Value                               // call function
  CMP   R0, #0x8                                           // check if button is pressed
  BNE   .Generate_Message_GPIOB_PB3_Button_Pressed         // branch if not equal
  BL    GPIOB_PB4_Read_Value                               // call function
  CMP   R0, #0x10                                          // check if button is pressed
  BNE   .Generate_Message_GPIOB_PB4_Button_Pressed         // branch if not equal
  BL    GPIOB_PB5_Read_Value                               // call function
  CMP   R0, #0x20                                          // check if button is pressed
  BNE   .Generate_Message_GPIOB_PB5_Button_Pressed         // branch if not equal
  B     .Generate_Message_Loop                             // branch
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  CMP   R5, R11                                            // check if we are at right of screen
  BEQ   .Generate_Message_Exit                             // branch if equal
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R12                                            // page start addr
  LDR   R3, [R6, R4, LSL #2]                               // load the char based on index in R6
  LDRB  R9, [R3, #6]                                       // move current char byte at addr into R9
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  ADD   R4, #1                                             // increment index
  CMP   R4, #26                                            // check if end of array is reached
  BNE   .Generate_Message_Loop                             // if not, continue loop
  MOV   R4, #0                                             // reset index to 0 when end of array is reached
  B     .Generate_Message_Loop                             // continue loop
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  CMP   R5, R11                                            // check if we are at right of screen
  BEQ   .Generate_Message_Exit                             // branch if equal
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R12                                            // page start addr
  LDR   R3, [R6, R4, LSL #2]                               // load the char based on index in R6
  LDRB  R9, [R3, #6]                                       // move current char byte at addr into R9 
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  SUB   R4, #1                                             // increment index
  CMP   R4, #-1                                            // check if end of array is reached
  BNE   .Generate_Message_Loop                             // if not, continue loop
  MOV   R4, #25                                            // reset index to array end
  B     .Generate_Message_Loop                             // continue loop
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  CMP   R5, R11                                            // check if we are at right of screen
  BEQ   .Generate_Message_Loop                             // branch if equal
  STR   R9, [R8, R7]                                       // store char in the array at index in R4
  ADD   R5, #1                                             // increment page addr
  ADD   R7, #1                                             // increment array pointer
  B     .Generate_Message_Loop                             // continue loop
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  CMP   R5, R10                                            // check if we are at left of screen
  BEQ   .Generate_Message_Loop                             // branch if equal
  STR   R9, [R8, R7]                                       // store char in the array at index in R4
  SUB   R5, #1                                             // increment page addr
  ADD   R7, #1                                             // increment array pointer
  B     .Generate_Message_Loop                             // continue loop
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  MOV   R5, #0                                             // init index for the array
  MOV   R6, #4                                             // array length
  CMP   R5, R6                                             // compare current index with array length
  BEQ   .Generate_Message_Exit                             // branch if equal
  LDRB  R7, [R8, R5]                                       // load addr from the array at index R5 
  MOV   R0, #0x41                                          // 'A'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x54                                          // 'T'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x2B                                          // '+'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x53                                          // 'S'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x45                                          // 'E'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x4E                                          // 'N'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x44                                          // 'D'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3D                                          // '='
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x30                                          // '0'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x2C                                          // ','
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x31                                          // '1'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x2C                                          // ','
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, R7                                             // current char at array position in R7
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0xD                                           // '\r'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0xA                                           // '\n'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  ADD   R5, #1                                             // increment index
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  B     .Generate_Message_Send_Char_Loop                   // branch 
  BL    Thirty_Microsecond_Delay                           // call function
  B     .Generate_Message_Exit                             // branch
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Receive a message.
 *         This function receives a message character by character through USART2 and stores it in the 
 *         message full receive array.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack 
  LDR   R4, =message_full_receive_array                    // load addr of message full receive array
  MOV   R5, #-1                                            // set counter                                                                             
  CMP   R5, #75                                            // compare if at end of our recv buffer
  BEQ   .Receive_Message_Exit                              // branch if equal
  ADD   R5, #1                                             // increment counter     
  BL    USART2_Receive_Character                           // call function
  STRB  R0, [R4, R5]                                       // store char into message_full_receive_array, offset R5
  B     .Receive_Message_Loop                              // branch
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Parse a received message.
 *         This function parses a received message stored in the message_full_receive_array
 *         and extracts specific characters to store in the message parsed receive array.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =message_full_receive_array                    // load addr of message full receive array
  LDR   R5, =message_parsed_receive_array                  // load addr of message parsed receive array
  MOV   R7, #2                                             // set counter
  LDRB  R6, [R4, R7]                                       // load first byte into R6
  CMP   R6, #0x43                                          // check to make sure it is 'C'
  BEQ   .Parse_Message_Loop                                // branch if equal
  ADD   R7, #1                                             // increment counter
  B     .Parse_Message_Check_Third_Byte                    // branch
  ADD   R8, R7, #7                                         // increment counter to get first correct character
  LDRB  R6, [R4, R8]                                       // load offset of message full receive array
  STRB  R6, [R5, #0]                                       // store byte message_parsed_receive_array
  ADD   R8, R7, #26                                        // increment counter to get second correct character
  LDRB  R6, [R4, R8]                                       // load offset 28 of message full receive array
  STRB  R6, [R5, #1]                                       // store byte message_parsed_receive_array
  ADD   R8, R7, #45                                        // increment counter to get second correct character
  LDRB  R6, [R4, R8]                                       // load offset of message full receive array
  STRB  R6, [R5, #2]                                       // store byte message_parsed_receive_array
  ADD   R8, R7, #64                                        // increment counter to get second correct character
  LDRB  R6, [R4, R8]                                       // load offset of message full receive array
  STRB  R6, [R5, #3]                                       // store byte message_parsed_receive_array
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller 

 * @brief  Display a received message.
 *         This function displays a received message on an SSD1306 OLED display. It iterates through the characters 
 *         of the message and calls a function to display each character on the OLED screen.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  LDR   R4, =message_parsed_receive_array                  // load addr of message parsed receive array
  MOV   R5, #0x14                                          // set counter
  MOV   R6, #-1                                            // set counter
  MOV   R7, #0xB1                                          // page start addr
  MOV   R8, #0x19                                          // set right of screen
  CMP   R6, #3                                             // compare if at end of our message parsed recv buffer
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Until_Exit                        // branch if equal
  ADD   R6, #1                                             // increment counter
  LDRB  R0, [R4, R6]                                       // load byte in message parsed receive array offset R6
  CMP   R0, 0x41                                           // compare 'A'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_A                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x42                                           // compare 'B'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_B                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x43                                           // compare 'C'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_C                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x44                                           // compare 'D'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_D                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x45                                           // compare 'E'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_E                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x46                                           // compare 'F'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_F                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x47                                           // compare 'G'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_G                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x48                                           // compare 'H'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_H                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x49                                           // compare 'I'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_I                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x4A                                           // compare 'J'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_J                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x4B                                           // compare 'K'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_K                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x4C                                           // compare 'L'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_L                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x4D                                           // compare 'M'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_M                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x4E                                           // compare 'N'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_N                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x4F                                           // compare 'O'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_O                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x50                                           // compare 'P'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_P                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x51                                           // compare 'Q'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_Q                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x52                                           // compare 'R'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_R                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x53                                           // compare 'S'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_S                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x54                                           // compare 'T'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_T                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x55                                           // compare 'U'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_U                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x56                                           // compare 'V'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_V                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x57                                           // compare 'W'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_W                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x58                                           // compare 'X'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_X                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x59                                           // compare 'Y'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_Y                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x5A                                           // compare 'Z'
  BEQ   .Display_Message_Letter_Z                          // branch if equal
  CMP   R0, 0x00                                           // compare null
  BEQ   .Display_Message_LETTER_NULL                       // branch if equal
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_A                                      // load the address of array A
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_B                                      // load the address of array B
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_C                                      // load the address of array C
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_D                                      // load the address of array D
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_E                                      // load the address of array E
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_F                                      // load the address of array F
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_G                                      // load the address of array G
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_H                                      // load the address of array H
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_I                                      // load the address of array I
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_J                                      // load the address of array J
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_K                                      // load the address of array K
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_L                                      // load the address of array L
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_M                                      // load the address of array M
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_N                                      // load the address of array N
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_O                                      // load the address of array O
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_P                                      // load the address of array P
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_Q                                      // load the address of array Q
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_R                                      // load the address of array R
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_S                                      // load the address of array S
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_T                                      // load the address of array T
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_U                                      // load the address of array U
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_V                                      // load the address of array V
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_W                                      // load the address of array W
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_X                                      // load the address of array X
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_Y                                      // load the address of array Y
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_Z                                      // load the address of array Z
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  MOV   R0, #0x00                                          // lower col start addr
  MOV   R1, R5                                             // higher col start addr
  MOV   R2, R7                                             // page start addr
  LDR   R3, =LETTER_NULL                                   // load the address of array Z
  BL    SSD1306_Display_Letter                             // call function
  CMP   R5, R8                                             // check if we are at right of screen
  BNE   .Display_Message_Add_Higher_Col_Value              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  ADD   R5, #1                                             // increment higher col addr
  B     .Display_Message_Loop                              // branch
  BL    GPIOB_PB5_Read_Value                               // call function
  CMP   R0, #0x20                                          // check if button is pressed
  BNE   .Display_Message_Exit                              // branch if not equal
  B     .Display_Message_Until_Exit                        // branch
  MOV   R5, #0x11                                          // higher col start addr 
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Initialize LoRa module setup.
 *         This function sets up the LoRa module by transmitting specific commands via USART2 for configuration.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  PUSH  {R4-R12, LR}                                       // push registers R4-R12, LR to the stack
  MOV   R0, #0x41                                          // 'A'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x54                                          // 'T'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x2B                                          // '+'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x49                                          // 'I'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x50                                          // 'P'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x52                                          // 'R'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3D                                          // '='
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x39                                          // '9'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x36                                          // '6'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x30                                          // '0'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x30                                          // '0'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0xD                                           // '\r'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0xA                                           // '\n'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x41                                          // 'A'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x54                                          // 'T'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x2B                                          // '+'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x41                                          // 'A'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x44                                          // 'D'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x44                                          // 'D'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x52                                          // 'R'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x45                                          // 'E'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x53                                          // 'S'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x53                                          // 'S'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x3D                                          // '='
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0x30                                          // '0'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0xA                                           // '\r'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  MOV   R0, #0xD                                           // '\n'
  BL    USART2_Transmit_Character                          // call function
  POP   {R4-R12, LR}                                       // pop registers R4-R12, LR from the stack
  BX    LR                                                 // return to caller

 * @brief  Infinite loop function.
 *         This function implements an infinite loop using an unconditional branch, B, statement. It is designed to 
 *         keep the program running indefinitely by branching back to itself.
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
  BL    Menu                                               // call function
  B     Loop                                               // infinite loop

 * Initialize the .rodata section. The .rodata section is used for constants and static strings.
.section .rodata

  .word LETTER_A
  .word LETTER_B
  .word LETTER_C 
  .word LETTER_D 
  .word LETTER_E 
  .word LETTER_F
  .word LETTER_G
  .word LETTER_H
  .word LETTER_I
  .word LETTER_J
  .word LETTER_K
  .word LETTER_L
  .word LETTER_M 
  .word LETTER_N 
  .word LETTER_O
  .word LETTER_P 
  .word LETTER_Q 
  .word LETTER_R 
  .word LETTER_S 
  .word LETTER_T 
  .word LETTER_U 
  .word LETTER_V
  .word LETTER_W 
  .word LETTER_X
  .word LETTER_Y
  .word LETTER_Z

  .byte 0x00, 0x7C, 0x12, 0x11, 0x12, 0x7C, 0x41
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x36, 0x42
  .byte 0x00, 0x3E, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x22, 0x43
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x41, 0x41, 0x22, 0x1C, 0x44
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x41, 0x45
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x01, 0x46
  .byte 0x00, 0x3E, 0x41, 0x49, 0x49, 0x7A, 0x47
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x7F, 0x48
  .byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x41, 0x7F, 0x41, 0x00, 0x49
  .byte 0x00, 0x20, 0x40, 0x41, 0x3F, 0x01, 0x4A
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x08, 0x14, 0x22, 0x41, 0x4B
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x4C
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x02, 0x0C, 0x02, 0x7F, 0x4D
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x7F, 0x4E
  .byte 0x00, 0x3E, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x3E, 0x4F
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x09, 0x09, 0x09, 0x06, 0x50
  .byte 0x00, 0x3E, 0x41, 0x51, 0x21, 0x5E, 0x51
  .byte 0x00, 0x7F, 0x09, 0x19, 0x29, 0x46, 0x52
  .byte 0x00, 0x46, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x31, 0x53
  .byte 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x7F, 0x01, 0x01, 0x54
  .byte 0x00, 0x3F, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x3F, 0x55
  .byte 0x00, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0x1F, 0x56
  .byte 0x00, 0x3F, 0x40, 0x38, 0x40, 0x3F, 0x57
  .byte 0x00, 0x63, 0x14, 0x08, 0x14, 0x63, 0x58
  .byte 0x00, 0x07, 0x08, 0x70, 0x08, 0x07, 0x59
  .byte 0x00, 0x61, 0x51, 0x49, 0x45, 0x43, 0x5A
  .byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

 * Initialize the .data section. The .data section is used for initialized global or static variables.
.section .data

  .space 4

  .space 76

  .space 4

 * Initialize the .bss section. The .bss section is typically used for uninitialized global or static variables.
.section .bss
