
HopChat - Custom color theme for Limechat IRC client

HopChat - Custom color theme for Limechat IRC client


cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/LimeChat/Themes
git clone git://github.com/mytrile/limechat-hopchat.git
ln -s limechat-hopchat/HopChat.* .
ln -s limechat-hopchat/badges .

You can find where themes directory is by click Limechat -> Preferences -> Theme tab -> Open in Finder

If you installed it through the AppStore it should be

$HOME/Library/Application Support/net.limechat.LimeChat-AppStore/Theme

If you installed it manually it should be

$HOME/Library/Application Support/LimeChat/Themes/


You can put image in the chat window for specific room by adding image to badges directory and then this line to the Hopchat.css

html[channelname="#roomname"].normal {
  background: #f7f7f7 url('badges/image.png') no-repeat fixed bottom right !important;


Hopchat Theme form LimeChat


Theme is based on Hipchat theme