
A file copy script which copy files from a defined source folder to a target folder computing hashes and saves it to an file in the target folder. Optionally you can compute hashes from both source and targe files as well as diff check the output.


Parameters Explanation (default values, in bold)
SourceFolder Source folder to copy files from.
TargetFolder Destination folder to copy files to.
OutputFile Filename of the hash file saved in -TargetFolder
Algorithm Algorithm (SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, MD5)
VerifySource In addition to computing hashes for -TargetFolder it also computes hashes for files in -SourceFolder, to be able to perform a diff check.
DiffType Diff setting, default is to display only resutls of difference. With this you can chose to override default to IncludeEqual as well as ExcludeDifferent.
Verbose Script does not output much information to the console, with -Verbose flag on it does.


Copy-FilesWithHash -SourceFolder '~\Downloads\patches' -TargetFolder G:\ -Algorithm SHA512 -VerifySource -Verbose

Additional notes

This script is built around Get-Filehash as well as Compare-Object.