
My Autolab configuration for a set of virtual machines for learning PowerShell

Primary LanguagePowerShell


These files are used for configuration with the PSAutolab project. The intent is to setup a small domain environment for testing and teaching Windows PowerShell 5.1.

If you are using the newer PSAutolab project, version 4.0.0 or later, this configuration is already included. You should no longer need to install this. Go to the PSAutolab and read the README.md for instructions.

Legacy Instructions

To use the scripts and configurations, download the current release . Extract the contents of the zip file folder to your Autolab Configurations directory. You should end up with something like C:\Autolab\Configurations\PowerShellLab which contains the files from this repository.

PS C:\> dir C:\Autolab\Configurations\PowerShellLab\

    Directory: C:\Autolab\Configurations\PowerShellLab

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        8/25/2017   7:35 PM                PostSetup
-a----        8/25/2017   7:35 PM             24 .gitignore
-a----        8/25/2017   7:35 PM           2017 AD-Group.json
-a----        8/25/2017   7:35 PM            506 AD-OU.json
-a----        8/25/2017   7:35 PM           5017 AD-Users.json
-a----        8/25/2017   7:35 PM           1054 Instructions.md
-a----        8/25/2017   7:35 PM           1576 README.md
-a----        8/25/2017   7:35 PM          36159 VMConfiguration.ps1
-a----        8/25/2017   7:35 PM           8903 VMConfigurationData.psd1
-a----        8/25/2017   7:35 PM           6020 VMValidate.test.ps1

Change to that directory and continue with the Autolab setup instructions.

Domain Setup

Domain name: Company.pri Password for all accounts is: P@ssw0rd

You most likely will want to use one or more of these accounts.

  • The user Art Deco (ArtD) is a member of the Domain Admins group.
  • The user April Showers (AprilS) is a member of the Domain Admins group.
  • The user Mike Smith (MikeS) is a standard, non-domain admin, user.


All servers run an evaluation version of Windows Server 2016 Core:

  • DOM1 Domain Controller
  • SRV1 Domain Member server
  • SRV2 Domain Member server
  • SRV3 Workgroup server


  • Win10 - Windows 10 Enterprise (evaluation version) with Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) installed.
  • PowerShell remoting has been enabled. You will need to run Update-Help and manually install items like VS Code.


  • All computers are set for Mountain Time with a location of Phoenix, Arizona.
  • It is strongly recommended that you run Windows update on the virtual machines, especially the Windows 10 client.
  • The PostSetup folder contains a number of optional scripts you might want to run after the Autolab setup is complete. It has a separate README file.
  • To connect to a virtual machine, in a PowerShell prompt you can use the vmconnect command: vmconnect localhost win10 where you specify the name of the Hyper-V host (your local machine) and the name of the virtual machine.

Last updated 10 September 2019