
Please find here the scripts referring to the paper Convolutional Neural Networks to Enhance Coded Speech. In this repository we provide the cepstral domain approach with the framework structure III.

The code was written by Ziyue Zhao and Huijun Liu.


An approach based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed to enhance coded (i.e., encoded and decoded) speech by utilizing cepstral domain features. The quality of coded speech can be enhanced and thus achieves improved quality without modifing the codec (i.e., encoder and decoder) itself.


Getting Started


Testing with the provided CNN model

  • Two example files: example_s1_g711_coded.raw and example_s2_g711_coded.raw (the original speech samples are from the ITU-T test signals of American English) for the G.711-coded speech are included in the dataset folder
  • Please note that the two example files are split from the file named A_eng_f5.wav in the ITU-T test signals dataset and the splitting point is at 7.0812 s.
  • Run the Matlab script to prepare the input data for the CNN model, with G.711-coded speech sample ./dataset/exapmle_s_g711_coded.raw and the means and standard variances from the training data ./data/mean_std_of_TrainData_g711_best.mat, outputting the CNN input data ./data/type_3_cnn_input_ceps_v73.mat, residual cepstral coefficients ./data/type_3_ceps_resi.mat, and the phase angel vector ./data/type_3_pha_ang.mat:
matlab Test_InputPrepare.m
  • Run the Python script to use the CNN model, with the CNN input data ./data/type_3_cnn_input_ceps_v73.mat and the provided CNN model ./data/cnn_weights_ceps_g711_best.h5, outputting the CNN output data ./data/type_3_cnn_output_ceps.mat:
python CepsDomCNN_Test.py
  • Run the Matlab script to obtain the final enhanced speech, with the CNN output data ./data/type_3_cnn_output_ceps.mat, residual cepstral coefficients ./data/type_3_ceps_resi.mat, the phase angel vector ./data/type_3_pha_ang.mat, and G.711-coded speech sample ./dataset/exapmle_s_g711_coded.raw, outputting the enhanced speech waveform ./dataset/example_s1_g711_coded_cnn_proc.raw or ./dataset/example_s2_g711_coded_cnn_proc.raw:
matlab Test_WaveformRecons.m

Reproduce the results

The results reported in the paper is tested on the NTT wideband speech database, so if you want to reproduce the exact results, the test need to be done with the same speech data (see details in the paper).

Training with your own dataset

  • Run the Matlab script to prepare the CNN training data, with the uncoded speech for training ./dataset/example_uncoded_train_s.raw, uncoded speech for validation ./dataset/example_uncoded_valid_s.raw, coded speech for training ./dataset/example_coded_train_s.raw, and coded speech for validation ./dataset/example_coded_valid_s.raw, outputting training input ./data/Train_inputSet_g711.mat, training target ./data/Train_targetSet_g711.mat, validation input ./data/Validation_inputSet_g711.mat, validation target ./data/Validation_targetSet_g711.mat, and the means and standard variances from the training data ./data/mean_std_of_TrainData_g711_example.mat:
matlab Training_Data.m
  • Run the Python scripts to train the CNN model, with the above-mentioned CNN training data, outputting the trained CNN weights ./data/cnn_weights_ceps_g711_example.h5:
python CepsDomCNN_Train.py
  • Note that your own dataset needs to replace the example speech files (the example speech samples are from the ITU-T test signals of American English).

Codecs and processing functions

  • To obtain G.711-coded speech samples, some processing functions and the ITU-T G.711 codec are needed.
  • Download the processing functions from ITU-T G.191 and compile the relevant files to obtain the programs: filter.exe, sv56demo.exe, and g711demo.exe.
  • Put the compiled programs in the root directory.
  • Run the Matlab script to obtain G.711-coded speech, with a raw speech sample ./dataset/exapmle_s.raw and the above-mentioned programs, outputting G.711-coded speech ./dataset/exapmle_s_g711_coded.raw:
matlab CodedSpeech_Obtain.m.


If you use the scripts in your research, please cite

  author =  {Z. Zhao and H. Liu and T. Fingscheidt},
  title =   {{Convolutional Neural Networks to Enhance Coded Speech}},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.09411},
  year =    {2018},
  month =   jun
  author =  {Z. Zhao and H. Liu and T. Fingscheidt},
  title =   {{Convolutional Neural Networks to Enhance Coded Speech}},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/ifnspaml/Enhancement-Coded-Speech}},
  year =    {2018},
  month =   jun
