Building Chatbot Demo using Dialogflow

Integrating with Line messaging application

We have 2 folders:

  1. Fulfillment-function : The cloud function for receiving data from Dialogflow to upload on BigQuery, Cloud SQL
  2. function : This cloud function is built for receiving data from Line application or other messagig application

Pre install dependencies:

  1. @google-cloud/vision
  2. @line/bot-sdk
  3. firebase
  4. google-cloud maps api


1. Dialogflow CX

Use pre agent data

  1. Download the agent data from Dialogflow CX Agent in Cloud Storage

OR create new agent

  1. Start creating agent on Dialogflow CX Console

  2. Select th as a default language

  3. Select location as asia-northeast1 (Tokyo, Japan)

    1.1 Start creating a simple flow for parking reservation service

    • Click on the default start flow and create a route

    • Create intent as parking reservation and add some traning phases : "จองที่จอดรถ" , "อยากจองที่จอด"

    • set Parameter presets = "null"

    • Add transition to new page

    • Create page name parking info

    • Add parameters name tel and otp to get the value from users.
      You can identify fulfillment as you want.

    • The route of the page parking info set condition rules to be Match AT LEAST ONE rule (OR)

    • Set parameters to be $page.params.status operand = and value FINAL

    • Route to new page name parking confirmation

    • Set fulfillment to be Line fulfillment : { "type": "template", "altText": "this is a confirm template", "template": { "type": "confirm", "text": "ต้องการยืนยันการจองหรือไม่", "actions": [ { "type": "message", "label": "ยืนยัน", "text": "ยืนยันการจอง" }, { "type": "message", "text": "แก้ไข", "label": "แก้ไข" } ] } }

    • Route to new intent name confirmation, you can add training phases about "ยืนยัน"

    • Enable Webhook + new Webhook

    • Add display name and set timeout to be 30 sec

    • Web URL =

      TRIGGER_URL_CLOUD_FUNCTION Will fill out later after we created the cloud function

2. BigQuery

  • Select project name

  • Create Dataset name user_dataset

  • Create Table inside Table name : user_dataset Schema:

field name type
user_id String
user_name String
user_surname String
user_tel String
user_license String

Table name : user_reserve

field name type
user_id String
user_license String
slot_id String

Table name : parking_slot

field name type
slot_id String
slot_floor String
slot_num String
slot_status Boolean

**Please add some mockup data

3. Cloud Function

3.1 Enable API

  • Select these APIs
    • Cloud Function API
    • Cloud Monitoring API
    • Cloud Logging API
    • BigQuery API
    • BigQuery Storage API
    • Cloud Vision API
    • Distance Matrix API
    • Dialogflow API
    • Cloud Source Repositories API
    • Cloud Build API

3.2 Create Cloud function on GCP Console

  • Create Function

  • Function name : fulfillment

  • HTTP trigger type : HTTP

  • Click allow unauthenticated invocation

  • Dropdown Runtime,Build, and Connections Settings

  • Click on runtime, select create new service acount

  • Create service account for Dialogflow Integration

  • Click NEXT

  • Copy this code and paste

    • ~/fulfillment-function/index.js
    • ~/fulfillment-function/package.json
  • Deploy


  • After ~60sec of deployment, click on trigger to copy url
  • Open Dialogflow Webhook page to paste the url

Now your dialogflow should work well by testing in the test agent button

3.4 Vision API

The Vision API is a pre-trained ML model that derives insights from images. It can get you multiple insights, including image labeling, face and landmark detection, optical character recognition, and tagging of explicit content. To learn more, see Vision AI.

4. Line Developer

4.1 Install Nodejs and npm

  • node --version
    It should show v14.17.3

  • npm --version
    It should show v6.14.13

4.2 Install firebase CTL

  • npm install -g firebase-tools
  • firebase --version

4.3 Initial Project

  • firebase login
  • Clone folder ~/function to your directory

4.4 Create Service Account Key

  • Go to Service Account
  • Select service account and go to KEYS
  • Add KEY
  • Create New Key as .JSON
  • Download and paste on your folder name it as key.json
  • Copy it's path as ~/folder-name/key.json
  • Go to your terminal and paste this with your path export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/your/credentials-key.json
  • Go to index.js
    • Change parameters name
      • $MAP_API
    • Line access token you can find from Line developer console
    • Dialogflow url, you can find on the dialogflow CX integration menu.
      click on the Line Application integration and fill out the SECRET KEY, CHANNEL ACCESS TOKEN
      and you will get the dialogflow webhook url.

Cloud function emulator

You will see GET as a method

  • Test by using tunnel ngrok
  • ./ngrok authtoken YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN
    • YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN in ngrok account
  • ./ngrok http 5000
  • Test by go to https://ngrok_url/project-name/region/function-name

You will see GET as a method

  • Copy https://ngrok_url/project-name/region/function-name and add it in Line Developer Console
    as Webhook Settings URL

Deploy Cloud function

  • deploy code firebase deploy --only functions