
📊 Lightweight, configurable and simple bar chart library in JavaScript and Canvas API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight, configurable and simple bar chart library in JavaScript

Packagist Codacy grade Chrome Web Store




bar.js is a Canvas based simple JavaScript Bar Chart Library to provide a configurable, lightweight and dependency-free experience.


Download the bar.min.jsand include it in your project.

<script src="bar.min.js"></scrip>


To create the bar chart, you need a block level container like a div or p.

<div id="chart">This will be bar chart!</div>

Then you can create the BarChart object in your JavaScript file.

var barChart = new BarChart(chartId, chartWidth, chartHeight, data);


  • chartId - containerId (String) Defines the id of container like "chart"

  • chartWidth (Integer) Defines the width of the chart like 500

  • chartHeight (Integer) Defines the height of the chart like 400

  • data (Objects Array) Defines the data objects. The objects should have 2 key-value pairs: label and value. Example data:

  var data = [
    {label: 'Jan', value: 123,
    {label: 'Feb', value: 11,
    {label: 'March', value: 55,
    {label: 'April', value: 893,
    {label: 'May', value: 343


MIT © Alperen