- GNU/Linux Ubuntu-14.04.3-LTS
- GNU/Linux kernel: 3.19.0-25-generic
- GNU/GCC: 4.8.2
- GNU/G++: 4.8.4
- GNU/GDB: 7.7.1
- Qt Creator: 3.0.1
- Qt: 5.2.1
- MySQL: 5.5.46
The Library Manage System is a simple Database project. Qt is used for building the GUI of user and implement SQL's insert, search, update and delete operations by invoking QSql libraries. MySQL is used for storaging original data. For more detail informations about project, you can find documents in doc directory.
- bin: This file directory include executable binary file.
- doc: This file directory include created and backup MySQL files, project documentations and project flowcharts.
- src: This file directory include project's all source codes.
Ensure that your operating system has been installed the MySQL software and open service. Under Linux MySQL installation is very simple, just run the below command
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
In the process of installing MySQL softwares, you need to set up a database administrator account and the administrator password. After installing you can perform command to log into the MySQL database.
mysql -u username -p password
In the project doc directory, there is a library_manage_system_backup.sql
, you can use the terminal switch to the doc directory and execute command to restore database has been created.
mysql -u username -p password [database name] < library_manage_system_backup.sql
Because we are using the MySQL InnoDB storage engine, so there is no way to directly copy the entire data directory to be backed up.Open a Linux terminal, switch to the bin directory of the file, execute follow command to run the program.