
An easy way to probe the run time and call times of any java methods in work environment without overhead

Primary LanguageJava


An easy way to probe the run time and call times of any java methods in work environment without overhead

1. package the application using build.xml, it will be generated under .\dist.
2. add "-javaagent:{INSTALL_DIR}profile.jar=30079,30080 -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=30079" to iServer service's vm arguments.
3. restart java application to enable the agent and hotswap.
4. visit http://{SERVER_NAME}:30080/ to access hotswap profiler configuration and result viewing page.
5. Click left class package tree to expand it, click on the checkbox before any method of any class to designate interested methods.
6. Run the application and you can view the method run time and calling times in hotswap profiler.

Note: on AIX machine (using IBM J9 JVM), please run command before first clicking any method:
	java -cp profiler.jar;javassist.jar;tools.jar org.eclipse.birt.test.hotswap.Controller
otherwise the hotswap connection will fail.

Written by ZHANG Hua(mz24cn@hotmail.com).