
This application allows live stream of images captured from camera (e.g. webcam) through network using UDP. It also includes MATLAB routines to allow receiving streamed images in MATLAB

Primary LanguageC++


This application allows live stream of images captured from camera (e.g. webcam) through network using UDP. It also includes MATLAB routines to allow receiving streamed images in MATLAB. This application requries OpenCV to be installed in the default system directories.

NOTE: This currently works only on Mac OS. Future updates will include Windows installation guide, Odroid installation guide.

Setup on Mac

Install OpenCV

Please follow the steps in the following video to install OpenCV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U49CVY8yOxw

Compile sender/receiver c++ apps

The image sender c++ application is located in the folder Image_Live_Stream/opencv_stream/stream_cpp. If you would like to run this on Mac OS, then, first , make sure that you installed OpenCV as mentioned above. Then, you can simply compile the sender application by cmake . & make. If everything goes fine, you shoul see the executable files sender & receiver in the same folder. The receiver executable can be used to test the image reception.

To run the sender application, simply, in a Mac terminal, navigate to the applicaiton folder, and run ./sender 10000. The is the local host IP, you can change it if you are receiving the image stream on a different machine. the 10000 is the port the remote machine is receving on.

To receive image stream in MATLAB, see next section.

MATLAB setup

Once OpenCV header files and libraries are installed in the /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib folders, you can setup the MATLAB files.

NOTE: You need to make sure that you associate your MATLAB with a compiler. On Mac, you can use Xcode.

Navigate to the Image_Live_Stream folder and run setup.m file. This will compile the neccessary mex files and add the folders to MATLAB path. This setup is a test setup, and assumes that the image sender application is sending to localhost which is and local port 10000. If you would like to change that, navigate to the opencv_stream/stream_matlab folder. Open the receive_image.m script, and change local port lport, remotehost and remoteport to the desired ones. Note that the c++ sender application uses port 12345.


Setup on Windows

To be done!

MATLAB setup

  • Make sure that you install OpenCV 2.4.13 Follow this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHX3MLzwF6Q
  • Make sure that your MATLAB is associated with compiler
  • In MATLAB, run the setup.m file. If all goes well, you are ready to receive image stream. Look at the test script to get familiar on how to use the ImgStream Class.

OpenCV setup on Odroid

To install OpenCV on ODROID, run the following commands in a terminal.

$ sudo apt-get -y install libopencv-dev
$ sudo apt-get -y install build-essential cmake git libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev python-dev python-numpy libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libdc1394-22-dev