Sistemas Operativos: TP1



In order to build and run this project, you'll need to use a special Docker container. There's a Bash script made to automate this process.

Grant execution permissions to and run it.

chmod +x env/

Source code

Grant execution permissions to script and start the previously builded docker image.

chmod +x env/

Once inside the container, build the project source code using make



There are three ways of running this project. All of them assume that you are inside the Docker container described above and inside the project root folder.

  • Hash (using md5) many files and store the results in a file (called resultado.txt).
    # ./bin/md5 <files>
    ./bin/md5 LICENSE Makefile
    # See the results
    cat resultado.txt
  • Hash many files, store the results in a file and see the output using a piped viewer process
    # ./bin/md5 <files> | ./bin/vista
    ./bin/md5 LICENSE Makefile | ./bin/vista
    # Results are still being kept
    cat resultado.txt
  • Hash many files, store the results in a file and see the output using a viewer process running in another terminal
    # Terminal 1
    # buffer size is calculated as 1023 * number of files
    # ./bin/vista <buffer size>
    ./bin/vista 3069
    # ------------------
    # Terminal 2
    # ./bin/md5 <files> 
    ./bin/md5 LICENSE Makefile
    # Again, results are being kept
    cat resultado.txt


If you'd like to create many test files, run the following inside the container:

# Folder to keep files
mkdir test_files
cd test_files/
# Create 300 files
for n in {1..300}; do
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=file$( printf %03d "$n" ).bin bs=1 count=$(( RANDOM + 1024 ))
# And to load them all in md5:
cd ../ # Go back to project root 
./bin/md5 test_files/* | ./bin/vista

From StackOverflow: "Create many files with random content"


This project and all its files are licensed under MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 Flores Levalle, M., López, P., Sierra Pérez, C., Zahnd, M. E.,

See LICENSE for details.