
Tiny tools library for @supabase/supabase-js

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Package License: ISC

Tiny tools library for @supabase/supabase-js.


type User = { id: string; email: string };
const shape = getShape<User>()({ id: true }); // with intellisense!

// typeof shape => { id: string; }
// getFields(shape) => "id"

const result = await supabase
  .from<typeof shape>("users")

// typeof result => PostgrestResponse<{ id: string; }>


  1. intellisense while selecting fields (getShape)
  2. auto generated select string (getFields)
  3. return type based on the selected fields (typeof shape)
  4. 1:1, 1:m & n:m relations support

Quick start


npm i postgrest-js-tools
yarn add postgrest-js-tools
pnpm i postgrest-js-tools



import { getShape, getFields } from "postgrest-js-tools";


import {
} from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/postgrest-js-tools?dts";


Click here to read about how to generate database types. These are the definitions from the example below.

Let's assume we work on a following data structure:

  • Each University has many Scholars
  • Each Scholar has many Papers
import { definitions } from "path/to/types";

type UniversityBase = definitions["universities"]; // { id: string; name: string }
type ScholarBase = definitions["scholars"]; // { id: string; email: string; university_id: string }
type PaperBase = definitions["papers"]; // { id: string; title: string; scholar_id: string }

type University = UniversityBase & {
  scholars: Scholar[];

type Scholar = ScholarBase & {
  university: University;
  papers: Paper[];

type Paper = PaperBase & {
  scholar: Scholar;

// with intellisense!
const shape = getShape<Scholar>()({
  id: true,
  email: false, // if value === false then we skip the key
  university: { _: "university_id", name: true }, // _ is the key to join by
  papers: [{ "*": true }], // * selects all the fields

// typeof shape => { id: string; university: { name: string }; papers: { id: string; title: string; scholar_id: string }[] }
// getFields(shape) => "id,university:university_id(name),papers(*)"

const result = await supabase
  .from<typeof shape>("scholars")

// typeof result => PostgrestResponse<{ id: string; university: { name: string }; papers: { id: string, title: string; scholar_id: string }[] }>