A general base classes to be used in enterprise projects, specially projects with microservice architecture. This library widely uses MZSimpleDynamicLinq (https://github.com/mzand111/MZSimpleDynamicLinq)
You can find the nuget packages here
A simple library for base classes of common usabilities needed in enterprise software. This library contains classes that are used as base for domain and entity classes.
1- Common interfaces such as:
-IRepositoryAsync<ModelItem, T>, IPSFRepositoryAsync <ModelItem, T> and ILDRCompatibleRepositoryAsync<ModelItem, T>
-IUnitOfWorkAsync and IDynamicTestableUnitOfWorkAsync
2- Base classes to be used for service layers:
-BusinessService class
-IStorageBusinessService<T, PrimarykeyType> and StorageBusinessService implementation
-Service exception classes
Contains EFCore implementations of MZBase.Infrastructure interfaces including
-RepositoryAsync<DBModelEntity,DomainModelEntity, PrimaryKeyType>
-LDRCompatibleRepositoryAsync<DBModelEntity,DomainModelEntity, PrimaryKeyType>
Some classes to faciliate microservice communications:
-ServiceMediatorBase: Wraps HttpClient and do Gets,Posts,Puts and Deletes with exception handling, serialization, logging and authentication.
-A helper to transfer description attributes of entity classes to extended properties (MS_Description) of related table/column of databse for any ef core DbContext. This changes could be used by any third party tool like Redgate SqlDoc to generate Database documentation. (Based on the code provided by Mohamood Dehghan here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10080601/how-to-add-description-to-columns-in-entity-framework-4-3-code-first-using-migra)