Froala WYSIWYG Editor Ruby SDK

Easing the Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor server side integration in Ruby projects.

Setup Instructions

Add this to your Gemfile:

gem "froala-editor-sdk"

and run bundle install.

Quick start - Image Upload

  1. Define upload route in routes.rb file.

    post '/upload_image' => 'upload#upload_image', :as => :upload_image
  2. Tell editor to upload to the specified route in your JS.

      imageUploadURL: '/upload_image'
  3. In your controller define an action to store the uploaded file.

    def upload_image
      render :json => FroalaEditorSDK::Image.upload(params, "public/uploads/images/")

Example App


The following Ruby gems are used:

  • mime-types
  • mini_magick
  • wysiwyg-rails




The Froala WYSIWYG Editor Ruby SDK is licensed under MIT license. However, in order to use Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor plugin you should purchase a license for it.

Froala Editor has 3 different licenses for commercial use. For details please see License Agreement.