
A simple, custom-built Source Map Generator for educational purposes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic Source Map Generator

A simple, custom-built Source Map Generator for educational purposes. This implementation is basic and has limited functionality compared to the source-map npm package. Please note that this example should not be used in production environments.


  • Generate source maps for minified JavaScript files
  • Add mappings between the generated and original code
  • Add sources and their content to the source map
  • Output source maps in the standard JSON format


  1. Create a basic JavaScript file, app.js, and its minified version, app.min.js, in your project folder.

  2. Use the CustomSourceMapGenerator in generate-custom-source-map.js to generate a source map for your minified JavaScript file:

const fs = require("fs");
const CustomSourceMapGenerator = require("./custom-source-map-generator");

// Read the content of the minified JavaScript file
const minifiedJsContent = fs.readFileSync("./app.min.js", "utf-8");

// Initialize the custom source map generator
const customSourceMapGenerator = new CustomSourceMapGenerator("app.min.js");

// Loop through each line of the minified JavaScript file
minifiedJsContent.split("\n").forEach((line, lineIndex) => {
    generated: { line: lineIndex + 1, column: 0 },
    original: { line: lineIndex + 1, column: 0 },

// Add the original source file and its content
  fs.readFileSync("./app.js", "utf-8")

// Generate the source map
const customSourceMap = customSourceMapGenerator.generate();

// Save the source map as an external file
fs.writeFileSync("./app.min.js.map", customSourceMap, "utf-8");

console.log("Custom source map generated successfully.");
  1. Run the generate-custom-source-map.js script:
node generate-custom-source-map.js

This will generate an external source map file named app.min.js.map. To use this source map in your project, add the following line at the end of your minified JavaScript file:

//# sourceMappingURL=app.min.js.map

Running the example

  1. In the terminal, run the following command:
npx http-server .

This will start a web server on a default port (usually 8080).

  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to view the index.html file.

  2. Open the browser's developer tools (usually by pressing F12 or Cmd+Option+I on Mac) to inspect and debug the original source code using the source map.