
A bot to send notifications from github directly to your Telegram account.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Github Telegram Bot


Github Telegram Bot is a php bot for notifying Events from your github repository.

Table of Contents


This is the introduction section and a brief description is provided within this section.


Get Instant Notifications for

  • Pushes
  • Pull Request(open)
  • Comment
  • Issue(open)
  • Issue(close)
  • Merge

Create a New Bot

  1. Add @BotFather to start conversation.
  2. Type /newbot and @BotFather will ask the name for your bot.
  3. Choose a cool name, for example My Github Bot and hit enter.
  4. Now choose a username for your bot. It must end in bot, for example GithubBot or Github_Bot.
  5. If succeed, @BotFather will give you API key to be used in this bot.


Installation (Heroku)

  1. Create a Account on Heroku

  2. Click Create New App in Heroku Dashboard

  3. Enter App Name and click on create app

  4. Now install Heroku CLI on your Computer Instuctions

  5. Now open your terminal and run command git clone https://github.com/albinvar/Github-Telegram-Bot.git

  6. It will download Latest codes for you in your Device

  7. Now change the directory to test using command cd test

  8. Now Login into Heroku CLI using command heroku login -i now enter your login details and hit Enter

  9. After Login run this command in terminal heroku git:remote -a appName here appName will be your app's name that you choose while creating the app.

  10. Now run follow commands in termial to install packages heroku buildpacks:add heroku/php

  11. Now run this command in your terminal git push heroku master, if this gives an error try this git push -f heroku master

  12. All done now it will take time to complete, after that you can visit your domain shown in terminal.

Installation on Heroku (Easy way)

Easily deploy using the button below


Installation (VPS/Localhost)

  1. Clone the repository using git. git clone https://github.com/albinvar/Github-Telegram-Bot.git

  2. Install all pacakges using composer. composer install

  3. Now change your directory using cd Github-Telegram-Bot

  4. Start a localhost using php -S localhost:8080

  5. You can setup your port-forwarding method. (Services like ngrok, serveo.net)

Setup Port-forwarding

  1. Install and Configure ngrok on your localmachine.

  2. Start Port-forwarding using the command ngrok http 8080

  3. Set the link with https as webhook using setWebhook.php

  4. You are good to go...

Set Webhook

  1. Open http://YOUR_DOMAIN.COM/setWebhook.php on your server/localhost.

  2. It will set your webhook based on the current server address for receiving calls from Telegram API.

  3. If you get a message saying "webhook set successfully". You are good to go....

Set webhook on Github

  1. Choose a repository on Github which you want to receive notifications.

  2. Direct to repo-settings->webhooks->add webhook

  3. Set the payload url ngrok/website link.

  4. Select application/x-www-form-urlencoded and select All Events

  5. Hit Enter and you will get all notifications from your Telegram bot

Note that : Your ngrok link will expire after sometimes. Using webhosting/vps is suggested


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This project is certified using MIT License