
Create GIFs from PGNs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Create GIFs from PGNs. Also let you download your chess games in PGN format from lichess and chess.com

Inspiration from: dn1z/pgn2gif


Run pgn2gif with the following options:

Usage: pgn2gif [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Create GIFs from PGNs

  -p, --path TEXT                 path to the pgn file/folder
  -s, --speed FLOAT               speed with which pieces move in gif.
  -o, --out TEXT                  name of the output folder
  -si, --size INTEGER             size of the gif
  -c, --color [green|blue|brown]  color of chess board
  -g, --game-index INTEGER        index of the game for which gif is to be
  --all-games                     make gif of all the games found in a PGN
  --help                          Show help screen.

  chess_com  Get games played on chess.com
  lichess    Get games played on lichess


  • You'll need Python3.

Then you can directly install it from pip package:

pip install pgn2gif
  • or clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/mzfr/pgn2gif
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt


Run with Default values

  • pgn2gif
* path          current working directory
* speed         0.5
* out           folder name `gifs` in current working directory
* size          480 X 480
* color         Brown
* game-index    1st

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Change color of the board to blue

  • pgn2gif -c blue

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Change color of the board to green

  • pgn2gif -c green

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Give a PGN file as an input

  • pgn2gif -p /home/mzfr/dev/mzfr.pgn

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Change the speed of the pieces

  • pgn2gif -p /home/mzfr/dev/mzfr-1.pgn -s 0.2

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Change the size and speed of the pieces(super fast)

  • pgn2gif -si 600 -s 0.1

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Change size of the chess board

  • pgn2gif -si 680

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