
A place for my nvim setup. Designed for the safety of the human

Primary LanguageLua




  1. Install nvim
brew install neovim
  1. Install packer
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\
  1. Go to config directory
cd ~/.config
  1. Clone this repo
git clone <get link in github>
  1. Go inside
cd nvim
  1. Start nvim and ignore errors using the Enter key (also called '')
nvim .
  1. Use j(down), k(up), Enter(Go in/open). Find lua/zolo/packer.lua
  2. Do the following step by step
  3. Source the file
  1. Install Everything
  1. Press q and :q! to quit neovim
  2. Reopen neovim by nvim .
  3. It will re-initialize everything, if something breaks, quit :q! and reopen nvim .
  4. For python, install black and reorder-python-imports via pip
pip install reorder-python-imports
pip install black
  1. Install the language servers for python and markdown. By entering each one seperately
:MasonInstall jedi-language-server
:MasonInstall marksman
:MasonInstall mypy


  1. Install rocks as it is the easiest way to install neorg

Basics/ Custom Keymaps (Not vim default)

  • Leader = <space>
  • Find a file <leader>fa (fa = find all)
  • Go to file browser: <leader>pv
  • Comment a line: <leader>cv
  • Comment a block: <leader>cc


  • Q: Telescope does not ignore .gitignored files
    • A: install ripgrep